built with the new 2018.3224 (chose ‘Send to mac store’, then signed with my 3rd party Mac developer application + 3rd party developer installer, uploaded the .pkg with application loader), but still get exactly the same error report when submitting, as mentioned I only use .wav and .mp3 files and no other special sound apis (below is the full view log):
E[2018-02-21 11:59:50 ICT] <main> INFO: Transporter is searching for updated software components.
[2018-02-21 11:59:51 ICT] <main> INFO: Transporter is up-to-date.
[2018-02-21 11:59:52 ICT] <main> INFO: MD5 checksum calculation in the transporter will be skipped.
[2018-02-21 11:59:52 ICT] <main> INFO: Logging level set to eXtreme
[2018-02-21 11:59:52 ICT] <main> INFO: Logging configured successfully.
[2018-02-21 11:59:52 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Attempting refresh of configuration data from https://contentdelivery.itunes.apple.com/transporter/Defaults.properties
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Configuration refresh successful.
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Saving configuration to local path: /Users/admin/.itmstransporter/Defaults.properties
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> INFO: iTMSTransporter : iTunes Store Transporter [1.9.8]
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> INFO: OS identifier: Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> INFO: Memory: [JVM] 1016M free, 1033M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 150M free, 8192M total (Swap) 1020M free, 1024M total
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> INFO: Client: Application Loader 3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> INFO: Upload mode selected.
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1016M free, 1033M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 150M free, 8192M total (Swap) 1020M free, 1024M total
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1006M free, 1033M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 140M free, 8192M total (Swap) 1020M free, 1024M total
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: authenticateForSession
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation input parameters:
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.6
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = Application Loader
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter DSToken = **hidden value**
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = xxxxx
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2018-02-21T11:59:53+07:00
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsPreviousCallDurationInSecs = 1.396065029
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u xxxxx@xxxxx.com -dsToken **hidden value** -itc_provider xxxxx -f /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp -checksumValidation false -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=Application Loader -Dtransporter.client.version=3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Username = xxxxx@xxxxx.com
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 1.9.8
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2018-02-21 11:59:53 ICT] <main> INFO: id = 20180221115953-171
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation return value:
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SharedSecret = **hidden value**
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MultipartUploadsEnabled = true
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SessionId = CMqoDBIQ41q1vLdXRuy5poLEY7ferA==
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: authenticateForTransportDiscovery
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation input parameters:
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.6
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = Application Loader
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = xxxxx
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2018-02-21T11:59:54+07:00
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u xxxxx@xxxxx.com -dsToken **hidden value** -itc_provider xxxxx -f /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp -checksumValidation false -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=Application Loader -Dtransporter.client.version=3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Username = xxxxx@xxxxx.com
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 1.9.8
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> INFO: id = 20180221115954-827
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation return value:
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PreferredTransports = [Aspera, Signiant, DAV]
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransportHosts.Signiant = [sgr603.apple.com:44001]
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransportHosts.DAV = [itmsdav.apple.com:443]
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransportHosts.Aspera = [vgr501.apple.com:33001, vgr504.apple.com:33001, vgr502.apple.com:33001, vgr503.apple.com:33001]
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> INFO: Examining the package at: /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> INFO: Ensuring that package has well formed metadata file…
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Getting case-sensitive metadata xml filename…
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> INFO: Gathering the list of valid files from the package …
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DEBUG: metadata.xml will be verified by Apple’s web service to determine if it is a valid file.
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DEBUG: xxxxx.pkg will be verified by Apple’s web service to determine if it is a valid file.
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> INFO: Finished gathering the list of valid files from the package.
[2018-02-21 11:59:54 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Case-sensitive metadata filename is: metadata.xml
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> INFO: Performing authentication of package 1348748052.itmsp …
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 993M free, 1033M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 125M free, 8192M total (Swap) 1020M free, 1024M total
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 628 bytes to 480
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: validateMetadata
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation input parameters:
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.6
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = Application Loader
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Files = [metadata.xml, xxxxx.pkg]
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = xxxxx
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Metadata = <?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“UTF-8”?>
<package version=“software5.4” xmlns="http://apple.com/itunes/importer">
<software_assets apple_id=“xxxxx”
<asset type=“product-archive”>
<checksum type=“md5”>75457ed2fa34ea4561ac4ea114315395</checksum>
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataChecksum = 03a683e6dce0e7b1f50aba5e32c29302
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageName = 1348748052.itmsp
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageSize = 273022199
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2018-02-21T11:59:55+07:00
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u xxxxx@xxxxx.com -dsToken **hidden value** -itc_provider xxxxx -f /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp -checksumValidation false -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=Application Loader -Dtransporter.client.version=3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Username = xxxxx@xxxxx.com
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 1.9.8
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2018-02-21 11:59:55 ICT] <main> INFO: id = 20180221115955-584
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation return value:
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, xxxxx.pkg]
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{Role=source, Filename=WarOfTheZombie.pkg, ShouldDescribeAsset=true, UTI=com.apple.pkg}]
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter CPUToken = 8eb089a8-c9e3-420b-acc8-7ff2ae640313/1519189196422
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Checksums = {xxxxx.pkg=75457ed2fa34ea4561ac4ea114315395}
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter FileSizes = {xxxxx.pkg=273021571}
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = true
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ProviderNameForToken = xxxxx
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> INFO: The list of files requested for upload by Apple is: [metadata.xml, xxxxx.pkg]. These are the files that will be uploaded.
[2018-02-21 11:59:56 ICT] <main> INFO: Starting media analysis of assets
[2018-02-21 11:59:57 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Handling asset: filename=xxxxx.pkg,uti=com.apple.pkg,role=source,describe=true
[2018-02-21 11:59:57 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Using container type tool name and version: Mac App Describer:1.25
[2018-02-21 11:59:57 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Using path: /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp/xxxxx.pkg
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: description length:0
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Asset description:
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Asset successfully described: com.apple.jingle.leghorn.software.AbstractSoftwareDescriber$1@49bd54f7
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 579 bytes to 347
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> INFO: Asset media analysis has completed
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1001M free, 1034M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 430M free, 8192M total (Swap) 1020M free, 1024M total
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: lookupTransportDiagnostic
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation input parameters:
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.6
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = Application Loader
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = xxxxx
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2018-02-21T12:02:01+07:00
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u xxxxx@xxxxx.com -dsToken **hidden value** -itc_provider xxxxx -f /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp -checksumValidation false -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=Application Loader -Dtransporter.client.version=3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Username = xxxxx@xxxxx.com
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 1.9.8
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2018-02-21 12:02:01 ICT] <main> INFO: id = 20180221120201-665
[2018-02-21 12:02:04 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation return value:
[2018-02-21 12:02:04 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter AsperaLoggingLevel = OFF
[2018-02-21 12:02:04 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SigniantLoggingLevel = OFF
[2018-02-21 12:02:04 ICT] <main> DBG-X: testing host/port: vgr504.apple.com/33001
[2018-02-21 12:02:09 ICT] <aspera.util.SelectThread> INFO: The upload of the file named /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/8093dcc4-b62b-498f-adbc-7bb8cd901d6e8241836191957729734dir/7d04e339-5ec8-4f19-afc1-cd82dc7596547975645525182304140.txt has started.
[2018-02-21 12:02:09 ICT] <aspera.util.SelectThread> INFO: File: /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/8093dcc4-b62b-498f-adbc-7bb8cd901d6e8241836191957729734dir/7d04e339-5ec8-4f19-afc1-cd82dc7596547975645525182304140.txt 11/11, 100% completed
[2018-02-21 12:02:09 ICT] <aspera.util.SelectThread> INFO: The status is FINISHED for the file named /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/8093dcc4-b62b-498f-adbc-7bb8cd901d6e8241836191957729734dir/7d04e339-5ec8-4f19-afc1-cd82dc7596547975645525182304140.txt.
[2018-02-21 12:02:09 ICT] <main> INFO: The session’s final state is Complete
[2018-02-21 12:02:09 ICT] <main> INFO: Number of files transferred: 1 . Names of files transferred:
[2018-02-21 12:02:09 ICT] <main> INFO: /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/8093dcc4-b62b-498f-adbc-7bb8cd901d6e8241836191957729734dir/7d04e339-5ec8-4f19-afc1-cd82dc7596547975645525182304140.txt - Complete
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Using token file path /Users/admin/.itmstransporter/UploadTokens/admins-iMac.local_xxxxx_1348748052.itmsp.token
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Attempting exclusive file lock on token file
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Token exists, examining
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Token pid: 69554, found process = false; my pid: 12282
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Reusing existing token: 88ef2e35-d85a-42bf-bb50-64c8aae9fda5/1518761557120
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DEBUG: Set token: 88ef2e35-d85a-42bf-bb50-64c8aae9fda5/1518761557120
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Memory: [JVM] 1001M free, 1034M total, 1820M max [System] (Physical) 411M free, 8192M total (Swap) 1020M free, 1024M total
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Deflated 628 bytes to 480
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Using operation named: validateAssets
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation input parameters:
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Application = iTMSTransporter
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter BaseVersion = 1.9.6
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter CPUToken = 88ef2e35-d85a-42bf-bb50-64c8aae9fda5/1518761557120
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Client = Application Loader
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ClientVersion = 3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Files = [metadata.xml, xxxxx.pkg]
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ItcProviderName = xxxxx
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataChecksum = 03a683e6dce0e7b1f50aba5e32c29302
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MetadataCompressed = (suppressed)
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter OSIdentifier = Mac OS X 10.12.6 (x86_64); jvm=25.71-b02; jre=1.8.0-u131-b11-iTMSTransporter-b02
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageName = 1348748052.itmsp
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter PackageSize = 273022199
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StatisticsClientStartDateTimeZoneISO = 2018-02-21T12:02:10+07:00
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter StreamingInfoList = [com.apple.transporter.streaming.StreamableFile@5dc3fcb7]
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Transport = Aspera
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter TransporterArguments = -m upload -u xxxxx@xxxxx.com -dsToken **hidden value** -itc_provider xxxxx -f /var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp -checksumValidation false -indicator true -v eXtreme -Dtransporter.client=Application Loader -Dtransporter.client.version=3.7 (1034)
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Username = xxxxx@xxxxx.com
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Version = 1.9.8
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter iTMSTransporterMode = upload
[2018-02-21 12:02:10 ICT] <main> INFO: id = 20180221120210-472
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Apple’s web service operation return value:
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Errors = [ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”, ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/SDL\_sound)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”, ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ogg.framework/Versions/A/Ogg)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”, ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Vorbis.framework/Versions/A/Vorbis)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”]
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter FilesToUpload = [metadata.xml, xxxxx.pkg]
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter AssetsToDescribe = [{Role=source, Filename=xxxxx.pkg, ShouldDescribeAsset=true, UTI=com.apple.pkg}]
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Checksums = {xxxxx.pkg=75457ed2fa34ea4561ac4ea114315395}
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter FileSizes = {xxxxx.pkg=273021571}
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter MinimumFileSizeThresholdForCheckum = 104857600
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionFormat = binary
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorCode = 1102
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter SoftwareMediaDescriptionThresholds = {in-app-purchase-content={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, ccats={extensions=[pdf], size=100000000}, product-archive={extensions=[pkg], size=100000000}, bundle={extensions=[zip, ipa], size=100000000}, large-icon={extensions=[jpg, png, jpeg], size=100000000}}
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/SDL\_sound)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ogg.framework/Versions/A/Ogg)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
ERROR ITMS-90240: "Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Vorbis.framework/Versions/A/Vorbis)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: parameter Success = false
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/SDL\_sound)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ogg.framework/Versions/A/Ogg)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.xxxxx.xxxxx.pkg/Payload/xxxxx.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Vorbis.framework/Versions/A/Vorbis)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: The error code is: 1102
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> INFO: Done performing authentication.
[2018-02-21 12:02:26 ICT] <main> DBG-X: Returning 1
Package Summary:
1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
/var/folders/4q/6qggn_ys30dd211vpcbwxbc80000gn/T/6C035091-2D22-427A-BE66-6F821E39D741/1348748052.itmsp - Error Messages:
ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.vdvgames.wotz.pkg/Payload/WarOfTheZombie.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Versions/A/SDL)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.vdvgames.wotz.pkg/Payload/WarOfTheZombie.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/SDL\_sound)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.vdvgames.wotz.pkg/Payload/WarOfTheZombie.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Ogg.framework/Versions/A/Ogg)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”
ERROR ITMS-90240: “Unsupported Architectures. Your executable contained the following disallowed architectures: ‘[i386 (in com.vdvgames.wotz.pkg/Payload/WarOfTheZombie.app/Contents/Frameworks/CoronaCards.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SDL\_sound.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Vorbis.framework/Versions/A/Vorbis)]’. New apps submitted to the Mac App Store must support 64-bit starting January 2018, and Mac app updates and existing apps must support 64-bit starting June 2018.”