ERROR: License file "license.ccdata" was not found



I am a new user of CoronaCards.


I am working on iOS project. But i am facing error when i call corona code.

“ERROR: License file “license.ccdata” was not found. This is needed to use this software product. Please contact Corona Labs to acquire a valid license.”

I have also attached screenshot.


I tried sample code with this license key but sample code is working fine.


I think i am missing some thing in my iOS project. I have put license key in corona folder where main.lua located.


Thank you,


You need to get a license file.  Go here:

Click on the “Get License” button.  This will download the license.ccdata file (probably end up in your Downloads folder).  Copy it to your project in the same place your main.lua goes and that error will go away.


Thanks for reply Rob.

I have mentioned it in last post that I have already license file and also i have copy it to my project in the same place main.lua goes. And also this sample code is working fine with my  license file.

I also followed this instruction.

But when i call this code it shows error popup(license file not found).

coronaView = (CoronaView \*)self.view; [coronaView setCoronaViewDelegate:self]; [coronaView run]; // Send message to Lua NSDictionary \*event = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"pauseEvent", @"name", @"pause", @"phase", nil]; [coronaView sendEvent:event];

Thank you,

Sp Technolab.

There are two steps. One is to put the physical file in the folder with main.lua. The other is to go into Xcode’s User Interface and look at the “Folder” structure (not really folders, but they use that metaphor) and you also have to add the file in there I believe.


I think I followed both step. I have attached screenshot for reference. I put license file in corona folder in the same place where main.lua goes.

Thank you,

Sp Technolab.

Hello There,

I am waiting for any suggestion or any appreciate response.

Best Regards,

Sp Technolab.

You need to get a license file.  Go here:

Click on the “Get License” button.  This will download the license.ccdata file (probably end up in your Downloads folder).  Copy it to your project in the same place your main.lua goes and that error will go away.


Thanks for reply Rob.

I have mentioned it in last post that I have already license file and also i have copy it to my project in the same place main.lua goes. And also this sample code is working fine with my  license file.

I also followed this instruction.

But when i call this code it shows error popup(license file not found).

coronaView = (CoronaView \*)self.view; [coronaView setCoronaViewDelegate:self]; [coronaView run]; // Send message to Lua NSDictionary \*event = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"pauseEvent", @"name", @"pause", @"phase", nil]; [coronaView sendEvent:event];

Thank you,

Sp Technolab.

There are two steps. One is to put the physical file in the folder with main.lua. The other is to go into Xcode’s User Interface and look at the “Folder” structure (not really folders, but they use that metaphor) and you also have to add the file in there I believe.


I think I followed both step. I have attached screenshot for reference. I put license file in corona folder in the same place where main.lua goes.

Thank you,

Sp Technolab.

Hello There,

I am waiting for any suggestion or any appreciate response.

Best Regards,

Sp Technolab.