"Error trying to parse build system"

I’m getting this error when I try to build (CMD + B) from Sublime Editor 2.

Error trying to parse build system: No data in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Corona Editor/Corona SDK.sublime-build:1:1

Not sure why it started. Tried uninstalling Corona Editor and re-installing (now 1.6) and it’s still not working?

Since Sublime’s build system didn’t work very well for Corona SDK projects we removed it in favor of Run Project (Super+F10, ⌘F10 on OS X, Win+F10 on Windows) which understands project structure and can find the main.lua no matter which file is being edited (as well as being smarter about which Corona Simulator to use).  For all practical purposes it’s a superset of ⌘B (and you could map the shortcut key if you wanted).

I don’t know why you’re getting that error which I don’t believe appears in Sublime Text 3 (which we recommend, by the way; it’s a much better experience than Sublime Text 2).  On my system ⌘B now just says “no build system” on the status line for Corona SDK Lua files.

OK thanks - working with Run Project.

I switched to Sublime 3 and it’s working there too - thanks. Only problem is that I’m not getting auto-complete suggestions for Corona docs - e.g. typing “display.” I would expect (and still get in Sublime 2) options like newImage(), newRect(), etc.

I have “corona_sdk_use_docset”: “public” and all the other options set to true (except “corona_sdk_auto_build”).

Any ideas? 

Is your document type showing as “Corona SDK Lua” in the bottom right of the Sublime Text window?

You might need to select View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as… > Corona SDK Lua  to get it to stick.

That worked

Thanks Perry!

Hi Perry,

After using for a couple days I’m keen to remap the keys so Run is ⌘B, but I can’t work out how to make this happen? I tried adding { “keys”: [“super+b”], “command”: “run_project” } to the sublime-keymap-user file, but nothing happens.

Also… since moving to Sublime 3 I’ve lost the console window in the simulator (or maybe that was a Corona upgrade) - back to showing it in the Sublime console. Is it possible to bring it back?



I created a file called ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Default.sublime-keymap with the contents:

[{ "keys": ["super+b"], "command": "run\_project" }, ]

and that worked for me.

It’s intentional that the Simulator output is viewed in Sublime Text but now that the Corona Simulator Console is more useful I can see that it might be preferred.  When Corona Editor 1.6.1 drops later today you’ll be able to set a preference to have it appear when the Simulator is started from Sublime Text:

"corona\_sdk\_simulator\_show\_console": true,

Awesome - both working!

Thanks Perry.

Since Sublime’s build system didn’t work very well for Corona SDK projects we removed it in favor of Run Project (Super+F10, ⌘F10 on OS X, Win+F10 on Windows) which understands project structure and can find the main.lua no matter which file is being edited (as well as being smarter about which Corona Simulator to use).  For all practical purposes it’s a superset of ⌘B (and you could map the shortcut key if you wanted).

I don’t know why you’re getting that error which I don’t believe appears in Sublime Text 3 (which we recommend, by the way; it’s a much better experience than Sublime Text 2).  On my system ⌘B now just says “no build system” on the status line for Corona SDK Lua files.

OK thanks - working with Run Project.

I switched to Sublime 3 and it’s working there too - thanks. Only problem is that I’m not getting auto-complete suggestions for Corona docs - e.g. typing “display.” I would expect (and still get in Sublime 2) options like newImage(), newRect(), etc.

I have “corona_sdk_use_docset”: “public” and all the other options set to true (except “corona_sdk_auto_build”).

Any ideas? 

Is your document type showing as “Corona SDK Lua” in the bottom right of the Sublime Text window?

You might need to select View > Syntax > Open all with current extension as… > Corona SDK Lua  to get it to stick.

That worked

Thanks Perry!

Hi Perry,

After using for a couple days I’m keen to remap the keys so Run is ⌘B, but I can’t work out how to make this happen? I tried adding { “keys”: [“super+b”], “command”: “run_project” } to the sublime-keymap-user file, but nothing happens.

Also… since moving to Sublime 3 I’ve lost the console window in the simulator (or maybe that was a Corona upgrade) - back to showing it in the Sublime console. Is it possible to bring it back?



I created a file called ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Default.sublime-keymap with the contents:

[{ "keys": ["super+b"], "command": "run\_project" }, ]

and that worked for me.

It’s intentional that the Simulator output is viewed in Sublime Text but now that the Corona Simulator Console is more useful I can see that it might be preferred.  When Corona Editor 1.6.1 drops later today you’ll be able to set a preference to have it appear when the Simulator is started from Sublime Text:

"corona\_sdk\_simulator\_show\_console": true,

Awesome - both working!

Thanks Perry.