Errors on paths that do not exist on my computer

Here is one example:

ERROR: Runtime error
22:50:54.590  D:\a\corona\corona\subrepos\composer\composer.lua:1457:
ERROR: nil key supplied for property lookup.
22:50:54.590  stack traceback:
22:50:54.590  	[C]: in function 'error'
22:50:54.590  	D:\a\corona\corona\subrepos\composer\composer.lua:1457: in function 'gotoScene'

I have no d:\a\corona\corona etc on my computer. But I receive this error on gotoScene command for some reason. I got the latest build and cannot fix it. What is missing?

The error logging isn’t working correctly. The proper logs are showing in 3701, but it has some other issues, so you should wait until 3702 to get useful error logs.

That particular log, however, points to Solar2D’s core components, namely the init.lua file, here:

Your code is crashing because you’re attempting to remove an event listener to something, but you haven’t specified the eventName.

Actually, I do specify name…
BW_field:removeEventListener(“userInput”, field_touch_sub)
Th_field:removeEventListener(“userInput”, field_touch_sub)

The bug must be somewhere else…

I had glimpsed at a different part of the file, at line 118. In the actual line that I linked to and which is mentioned in your error log, 138, the culprit seems to be k, which seems to be more complicated and it raises a luaL_error:

Anyway, these sort of issues usually occur when there’s errors inside the scene methods, such as with creating display objects, adding listeners to them, etc. You yourself mentioned the errors disappeared when you removed removeEventListener lines that the error went away.

Try the usual debugging practice of commenting out code until the project starts working and then start adding lines of code back until it starts crashing again. Once you pinpoint the exact line, then you can start to determine why it’s crashing. Without having access to the code, I can’t help more than by saying that’s where I’d start looking (and I’m not asking for access to the code).

Lots of strange things happen…

What ever objects were causing the bugs, I removed them from scene:detroy function by remming sceneGroup:insert(what-ever) lines… Works for me…

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