[Estimate and Completion] 2D Game

Hello All,

First and foremost I am an application developer who has dabbled in Corona SDK.  Unfortunately, I am not well-versed in game development and what I have made needs a little bit more work.  I would guesstimate that it’s about 60-70% done with most of the (amateur) code base done.  What it needs is:

  • Basic 2D graphics - I have created basic graphic elements in Photoshop, but are not acceptable for a finished product.  I would estimate about 5-6 basic graphic elements.

  • Some Background Images - A black screen is no fun, it needs something else

  • Music - Something nice and catchy (Would like maybe 2-3 music files) as well as ability to volume adjust

  • Integration with ads and high score board.

  • A new game mode based on the original game version, which tracks based on “misses” rather than time

  • Readable comments, documentation, and advice based on what was “really” bad about the code

Essentially it needs a lot of polishing.  I do not have any assets, but am willing to also purchase some for the right amount.  I would like an estimate for this, and can discuss more details (those with resume and portfolio to the top of the list).
