I’ve been using Solar2D since 2014. One thing that makes me crazy is that, although I can check event.phase = “began”, “moved”, “ended” or “cancelled”, why isn’t there an “enter” or “leave”?
I set my custom button color using “began” and I reset my custom button color using “ended”.
But what am I to do when someone touches with “began” and then drags their finger (or pointer) out of the button region and then let’s go? Right now, this results in leaving my custom hilighted button without resetting it - shouldn’t it at least send a “cancelled”?
Could it be there is already a solution for this that I don’t know?
If I really want to do this, I suppose I could create my own code to create an object the size of the entire screen and track every phase=“ended” and then compare the coordinates to the size and position of my custom buttons to do this. Isn’t there any easier solution?