event.response.(variable).smthelse < How to correctly find path to it?

Welcome… again.

So I’ve managed to make a database with Firebase, which is a huge achievement for today (Had to post on forums a few times), but now I need to retrieve data from table with a specific name. Like, if I have an ID for every user and I need to find his ID in the table (which is in JSON).



local pathId = tostring(currentId) – currentId is the unique ID

bonuses = json.decode(event.response[pathId].bonuspoints) – must get bonuspoints of this ID only


I’m stuck here, as this is pure Lua language trick. It’s a variable inside path, and it’s something I haven’t encountered before. Help appreciated!

by the way, using network.request (“GET”) and the event.response is my table inside Firebase. pathId must be the first key to it.

by the way, using network.request (“GET”) and the event.response is my table inside Firebase. pathId must be the first key to it.