Evil Virus Attacks

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World that you know is not the same. Continents consumed the deadly virus. The remaining countries such as Russia, China, the U.S., France and Iran, are on the verge of extinction. Your task is simple, spend viruses on the screen to the body’s cells thus infected them.

? In Game 5 continents.
? In every continent 20 levels.
? On every continent the number of infected cells increases.
? Atmospheric music and design.

http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/evil-virus-attacks/id554435588?mt=8 IOS
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.agaming.apocalypse.virusattacks&hl=en Android [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 330873[/import]

This looks awesome, will definitely be picking it up. Love the concept :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123462[/import]

I think you should remove the text in russian, this way the game screenshots will be more big and visible. They are too small at the moment.
[import]uid: 138389 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123523[/import]

We plan to convert them to different countries. [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123540[/import]

I agree with vovasoft.

You only use 3 screens out of possible 5. And the last 2 show the same ingame screenshot.

It’s already hard for us indies to get visible in the appstore, so take advantage of all 5 screens, and try to show off your game as much as you can.

I would add some ingame screenshots.

Good luck with the sales!
[import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123542[/import]

Did you use the keyword Plague? Cause it looks like your game is similair to Plague Inc. which is very popular. Might increase your sales. [import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123545[/import]

No word plague is not used, but is now getting up, thanks for the tip. [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123562[/import]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrNZF5tQX0g Video Promo [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123563[/import]

This looks awesome, will definitely be picking it up. Love the concept :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123462[/import]

I think you should remove the text in russian, this way the game screenshots will be more big and visible. They are too small at the moment.
[import]uid: 138389 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123523[/import]

We plan to convert them to different countries. [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123540[/import]

I agree with vovasoft.

You only use 3 screens out of possible 5. And the last 2 show the same ingame screenshot.

It’s already hard for us indies to get visible in the appstore, so take advantage of all 5 screens, and try to show off your game as much as you can.

I would add some ingame screenshots.

Good luck with the sales!
[import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123542[/import]

Did you use the keyword Plague? Cause it looks like your game is similair to Plague Inc. which is very popular. Might increase your sales. [import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123545[/import]

No word plague is not used, but is now getting up, thanks for the tip. [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123562[/import]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrNZF5tQX0g Video Promo [import]uid: 127791 topic_id: 30873 reply_id: 123563[/import]