or this
http://developer.anscamobile.com/content/save-table [import]uid: 10062 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12406[/import]
can you share the facebook info? [import]uid: 10062 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12407[/import]
thanks for the links, I have seen those samples before, I just don’t know how to implement them in a high score sample (still a noob
how are y’all doing high score?
here’s the link to Peach’s facebook tutorial: http://techority.com/2010/11/18/integrating-facebook-posting-in-your-app-with-corona/ [import]uid: 7856 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12409[/import]
in my first game i didnt do local high scores i just let of keep a highscore list and on the device it just reset on each restart of the game
on my exp jet 2.0 update it will keep local highscores also and i plan to use the code i linked to with some mods.
[blockcode] file = io.open( filePath, “w” )
file:write( “Feed me data!\n” )
local numbers = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}
file:write( numbers[1], numbers[2], numbers[3], “\n” )
for _,v in ipairs( numbers ) do
file:write( v, " " )
file:write( “\nNo more data\n” )
io.close( file )
changing the numbers table to the highscore list [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12410[/import]
Just woke up ^-^; Afternoon, all.
Stanimation - I might be overlooking something, but out of interest, have you tried using openfeint.launchDashboard()
Rather than including friends?
I don’t know enough about this yet, but I guess that would let you know if it were a friend issue or a general code issue?
If you wanted me to take a look at it I’d be happy to, just email me. (my name here @ gmail)
Off to get caffeinated! [import]uid: 10144 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12415[/import]
Hi Guys,
It’s good to see some familiar names - How’s corona working out for you? [import]uid: 11750 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12458[/import]
Corona’s great
at first i was reluctant to learn a new language and was overwhelmed by the amount of info but once a decided to go for it it was very easy to pickup just start off by thinking in baby steps ( get something small working then add to it get it working and add to that ) this approach is working great for me on eXp Jet 2.0 i started off getting the background scrolling then started adding to it and got most of the game play completed in less than a day so good luck and hope to see you and your games around the forum [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12462[/import]
Corona’s HARD! For me…I just don’t get it. I have been trying for over a month to re-create one of my GS games( that I made in one week) with no luck. I cant seem to put all the pieces together. There is really much more coding than you might expect. A lot more! And, the one app that I did manage to put together is really very basic and runs sloooooow. Obviously because there is a cleaner way to put it together but I can’t figure it out. I’m not bagging on Corona, just saying in my opinion, if you don’t have any scripting or programing experience… prepare yourself. I am an artist first, and a pretty good one. I have won several Emmy Awards and countless other accolades. So I don’t consider myself “dim”. I admit that the left side of my brain may be underdeveloped but geeez this thing makes me feel like an idiot. I’m not giving up for sure, but for me Corona has a huge learning curve. Just my two cents.
[import]uid: 10062 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12490[/import]
Hope you didnt look for any pointers in the code i sent you it wasnt the complete file and everything was jumble a bit it was my first app and i was trying to make a deadline
anyway if you want we could team up on a game and maybe show each other how to do some things
email me if you want to
what i was thinking of was something simple and as we advance though each step of graphics and programming we could explain how and why we did what i did and we could both learn from each other [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12500[/import]
I would really like to know how to save!
Does any one have VERY DETAILED example code so I could learn?
I will be needing to save tons of data!
Gamexcb [import]uid: 8517 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12518[/import]
have you looked at these
http://developer.anscamobile.com/sample-code/storage [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12524[/import]
Thanks! Thought I got it working 5 min before you posted.
I need to convert a string to a number.
How would I do this?
-Gamexcb [import]uid: 8517 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12531[/import]
corona should convert it for you
if you set a variable strg = “1234” and then do print(strg+1) the result is 1235 [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12532[/import]
When you’re done with your saving sample, please share; I’m curious to know how you implement this.
@debugdesign and @Stanimation
I barely started last weekend to really sit and go through the samples.
I don’t have enough time to dedicate to it, but I set a plan that 2 hours per night to build very simple samples and work my way from there (that’s how I learn GS
So far what I hate with all my guts, is ‘programming’ all my X/Y coordinates for all my assets…I pray that before mid next year, Corona will implement a basic GUI to alleviate that burden (wink wink)
Don’t give up and as in the GS forum, keep asking questions; people here are very responsive, especially Carlos and Eric…and Peach, I think she’s slowly becoming a great resource to tap into ;p
I seen Joe from Fire Maple Games post and he’s testing android waters, I hope he’ll eventually come thru and convert some of his samples over to corona…that’ll be HUGE in my opinion.
I hope by the end of december to be able to recreate one of my ‘taptards’ with the ability to post to FB and OF while at the same time learning corona.
Once I get the hang of it (hopefully within the next 3 months), I’ll start posting little samples here and there (we have to start building our own library of samples to learn from each other and share so we can improve).
Hope my little point of view helps on not giving up.
All I can do is Hope for the best! ;p
RD [import]uid: 7856 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12537[/import]
i started with the breakout demo and the 8 minute game video then started taking the code apart and making small changes to the code then started making my own game getting one thing to work at a time sometimes i sit in front of the computer for an hour or more trying to get something done before i get it but once i get it it feels great and ill stop and work on graphics for a bit then go back to codeing or just put it up till the next day
baby steps is the key to learning for me on eXp Jet 2.0 im close to 1000 lines of code and growing if i had to sit down and do it all at one time i dont think i could but by doing one task, usually about 5 - 20 lines of code, at a time im getting it done
so what im saying is take your time and get each step of your app working before moving to the next trust me the result is way better than gs it took me about a month to do exp jet in gs of course i was learning gs and ps but i got about 30 hours in the the remake and that counting learning corona and more ps so i feel in the end corona can be as fast to make a game as gs and sometimes faster [import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12540[/import]
I’m doing thing way faster and more efficiently with corona!
What really helps is a REALLY basic and necessary data type in all languages that GS just does not have!
Any guesses?
Best thing eva!!!
I haven’t worked out all the kinks yet, but I have picked apart the file demo(http://developer.anscamobile.com/content/file-demo) and set up a system for saving and loading. I have created a function that is used to save. I have some code that also loads up the data at the beginning of the game!
Another issue that I will point out in a sample I will post is data types.
When data is read from the save file it is read as a string.
This will lead to problems if not delt with.
A really cool thing about Lua is that the data types can be adapted with some work into another data type.
Turns out if your save data is a number it will be a string.
Just do any mathematical work with it and Lua will convert it to an integer.
nonstringScore = Score + 1
nonstringScore = nonstringScore - 1
Score = nonstringScore
Its really roundabout but should convert it.
It’s EXTREMELY picky about how it’s used but this should help.
-Gamexcb [import]uid: 8517 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12542[/import]
Gamexcb’s comment is the understatement of the year. We can do things so much more efficiently in Corona compared to GS. Am building a type of sound-board app and am referring to all sounds and icons using numbers in arrays. Using 10 lines of code containing a repeat loop and a couple of arrays, I can load as many images as I want, position them, and trigger easing/scaling effects when they’re displayed. When I think of the number of behaviors I would have to drag and drop in GS (and then have to restart every 10 minutes) I want to hit myself in the head with a hammer.
For folks coming from GS, doing things in code definitely takes some getting used to, but if you can stick it out, it’s fully worthwhile. Your first GS games were probably not as good as those you created later, right? Same goes for Corona – spend the time and it will get better. [import]uid: 6756 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 12544[/import]
Hello There, Im Mago Nicolas From Gs Forums! Just starting with Corona, it seems AWESOME, Need help to learn it! It would be awesome to have a sort of tutor game from start to finish (Like GS one)
Anyone have one of this?
I Already read the BASIC documentation and hello world videos.
Help would be appreciated.
Thanks! [import]uid: 14573 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 16851[/import]
welcome mago have you seen the 8 minute game video parts 1 and 2 they’re a good starting
there is also a lot of other good videos here
[import]uid: 7911 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 16858[/import]
If anyone needs some training to get started with Corona please see this thread http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2011/01/17/corona-start-training-i-can-help-you [import]uid: 6981 topic_id: 2645 reply_id: 16915[/import]