Example of IAP line's of codes ( google and amazon )


I have read many tutos about this, but it’s confusing about what to cleary write for making a purchase ( on android google and amazon, not apple ).

So if I am on the main.lua file, and I have a button, what to do for a simple object ?

local button=display.newRect(100,100,100,100) button:addEventListener("touch",function(event) if event.phase=="began" then ... things to do ? it's my question .. end end)

I have found one github that give a piece of the answer: https://github.com/sebastianlis/OOP-Samples-for-Corona-SDK/blob/master/classes/samples/Monetization/InAppPurchase.lua

 but I wanted a full response by an expert if it’s possible.



Please read this guide: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/monetization/IAP/index.html

It should have examples on how to do what you want.


Please read this guide: https://docs.coronalabs.com/guide/monetization/IAP/index.html

It should have examples on how to do what you want.
