
Me again… :smiley:

Using trial version and following along with your youtube tutorial. When I go to export it I get the warning about 10 objects, click ok, then after that nothing happens. Not sure what it’s doing. I looked at the options but not sure what to do or change there. Thanks again! When I run it the example map loads.

With the trial version you should still see your level created but with 10 objects.

It could be exporting your level to a different location, so I recommend you look at the quick start guide (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director/quick-start-guide/) to make sure you have setup your project export folder and export type correctly.

Also, did you change the name of the level as it uses this as the filename?

If so, you will need to change the name in the main.lua to load the correct level.

Thank you for the information! Got it working. I had read through the guide but must have missed a step. When first starting with this tool/program you really need to pay attention to names, paths, etc… I’m sold and making the buy now. Great responsive support and a great value.

You’re very welcome, let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

With the trial version you should still see your level created but with 10 objects.

It could be exporting your level to a different location, so I recommend you look at the quick start guide (http://www.retrofitproductions.com/level-director/quick-start-guide/) to make sure you have setup your project export folder and export type correctly.

Also, did you change the name of the level as it uses this as the filename?

If so, you will need to change the name in the main.lua to load the correct level.

Thank you for the information! Got it working. I had read through the guide but must have missed a step. When first starting with this tool/program you really need to pay attention to names, paths, etc… I’m sold and making the buy now. Great responsive support and a great value.

You’re very welcome, let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.