Extended permission for to post message not working on android

Hi Rob,

Sorry to be a pain but I’ve not heard anything back from the case I logged. Is there any chance you could check to see if it has been looked at and all is ok? I can’t see any where on the website where i can check to see how the case is progressing and with not logging a case before I’m not sure what the normal turn around time is with these sort of things. Sorry to be a pain.

Kind regards


First, thank you for filing the bug report. I see you filed it late on Wednesday and it was assigned to our QA team to evaluate the bug on Thursday. However this was a holiday weekend and yesterday was the first day back to work for most people. It’s sitting in the in-queue for QA and has not been assigned to an engineer.

However, there is a very high probability that the bug report is going to be rejected. We require a complete test project: main.lua, build.settings, config.lua and any other files needed so that we can build the project, install it on a device and see the error happen. All of this must be put into a .zip file. You just uploaded just a .lua file. We can’t recreate your problem with just this.

Secondly, you’re using some 3rd party libraries (not included) and a fairly complex setup. The sample project needs to be the minimal code that demonstrates the issue.

If you still have the email the bug tracker sent, put together that zip file and attach it to a reply to the bug tracker email. Or just wait until it gets rejected and re-file it with the sample project.


Hi Rob,

Thank you for your email, no worries, I figured with holidays things might take a bit longer. Probably for the best as well with me just uploading the lua file sorry Rob, I should have checked first what they needed before sending. Rather then waiting for them to reject the case I’ve just uploaded a shortened working program for them to test. The program just runs the Facebook feature using the ui I created for the game I’m making. Thank you for checking for me on its progress Rob its been a big help.

Kind Regards


Hey everyone,


The Facebook-v4 (now known as simply “Facebook”) plugin is now out of beta:



And with that we’ve made several revisions to the documentation:


For zombieofflinstudioltd’s original question regarding extended permissions to post a message, the subtle behaviors of requesting permissions (and a way to get around the issue zombieofflinstudioltd was experiencing) are now documented in the Gotchas section of the facebook.login() API page:



The issue with needing to provide an iOS Store ID in the Facebook Dev Portal is now documented in our Facebook Portal Setup Guide:



Consult the new Facebook Versioning/Upgrade guide for more info:


Hi Liam,

Did you ever find resolution to this? I am running into the exact same issue myself. 




See this post. It may shed some light on your issue as well.



Hi everyone,

Here’s the last response to the case that Liam had filed, Casenum 46607: GAME INVITE THROUGH FACEBOOK ON IOS, posted here for everyone’s convenience.

"From a comment on this Facebook bug: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/254702704912992/ it looks like they now require you to provide iPhone and iPad Store IDs in the Facebook Developer portal for Game Requests to be received on the other side.

In the Facebook Dev Portal, you can find fields to enter these store IDs in Settings -> Basic -> iOS.


From our own testing, this store ID provided doesn’t even have to be the one associated with your bundle ID. We did a test using the store ID for our Corona Cannon sample and were able to confirm that the Game Request went through."

There are still questions as to whether the requestee has to be a registered test account for your Facebook app however.

Hi All,

Apologise for the delay in responding. 

The above pretty much cover it sorry, I’ve just not had chance though to fully test it to properly confirm as the game its for is not on the actual store at the moment which looks like another part of the condition.

If you simply enter in the app id from iTunes connect it tells you it can’t find it on the store and then when sending invites, again no invite is actually sent.

Once the game is live though (its very close to been live now), I’ll confirm for def that it working ok, though by the sounds of things i definitely think it will.

Cheer all.

Hey everyone,


The Facebook-v4 (now known as simply “Facebook”) plugin is now out of beta:



And with that we’ve made several revisions to the documentation:


For zombieofflinstudioltd’s original question regarding extended permissions to post a message, the subtle behaviors of requesting permissions (and a way to get around the issue zombieofflinstudioltd was experiencing) are now documented in the Gotchas section of the facebook.login() API page:



The issue with needing to provide an iOS Store ID in the Facebook Dev Portal is now documented in our Facebook Portal Setup Guide:



Consult the new Facebook Versioning/Upgrade guide for more info:
