Facebook Ads - Multiple Crashes and ANRs - Executing service and Input service

Hello Facebook,

We are seeing a huge spike in CRASH/ANRs on GooglePlay that seem to be resulting from our use of Facebook Ads  (Executing service and Input service).  This is pushing our ANR/Crash rates up to 3-4% which is significantly harming our store standing.  This has a significant financial hit on us.

Background: We updated our all our apps last month (if that helps you figure out version we’re running). These (Facebook Ads).zip PDFs from Dropbox link below are the detailed errors that appear and are caused in some part by Facebook Ads or perhaps how we use it. We don’t know. Again this is for only a sampling of 4 of our games, and we have 14 in with similar issues.

Download link:


Here’s break down count vs description:

21 executing service 

19 Input dispatching timed out 

Again, please follow the detailed PDF for each of these errors. If you need code, have question or whatever we’ll be pleased to share all and in detail.

Can you help? What do you need?




All issues were fixed in the latest update. Make sure to use Corona Simulator version >= 3183 to get it.

If you have any more issues or concerns - feel free to share them!


All issues were fixed in the latest update. Make sure to use Corona Simulator version >= 3183 to get it.

If you have any more issues or concerns - feel free to share them!