On a side note, is FAN currently limited to developers from select countries only?
i may find the reason
could phoenixongogo and agramonte check FAN report website where Monetization Settings >quality check
if your app also show failing ,maybe this why you can not show ads anymore.
please tell me your status,tks
The ones that don’t work are in failing.
@gamebitlabs I don’t think so, but if the country can’t log into Facebook then you won’t get impressions.
Can someone provide the text on the “improve your ad experiences” link?
Facebook may have changed something that broke existing installs. They like making breaking changes, but usually, they won’t break current SDK’s.
Our plugin was updated on 11/27 to SDK version 5.1.0. Previously, we updated to SDK version 4.28.1 for Android last April, and the iOS SDK was updated to 4.26 in October of 2017.
If you have not built your app since 11/27, you are using an older version of the SDK 4.28/4.26 and it’s possible that Facebook has made changes on their server side that broke builds against the older SDK. They shouldn’t do that, but it can happen. Anyway, I would suggest rebuilding so that you get the 5.1 SDK and see if that solves the issues as well as see why Google is telling you that you are having a bad ad experience.
I have updated multiple times and even on my native apps with the latest version of the plugin it fails. I also opened and talked to the people at Appodeal and they had no idea why either. The link as I stated before is fairly obvious stuff.
Most of the suggestions seem to be about accidental clicking which leads me to believe that they measure performance based on lead generation or engagement of said ad. In most of my apps, I try very hard to eliminate accidental clicks. I don’t put UI app elements anywhere near the ad, I don’t randomly show an ad in an unexpected location and I don’t move them around. In my case, I think some people in LATAM like to click on ads as a way to help me out, but they don’t have any intentions to download a large game or some other random thing.
Also, many of those super crappy playable ads result in an un-intentional click because you never know when the trial gameplay has ended and the touch to get to the download page has started.
They are plenty of people having the problem outside of Corona. In other forums, there is mention that you always fail if you have less than 70K request per day per the particular app. But I have not found any documentation to back up this statement. I also notice that with the free FAN plugin the IDs that corona is using are working even if my IDs are not. I get about 19 no fill for 1 fill from Corona.
I wonder if FAN has set a minimum number of requests before they fill?
you can see in Monetization Settings >quality check front page
Hi, does anyone know if this issue was resolved? is the FAN plugin working in Corona SDK build 3476? I can’t seem to get the sample code listed in the docs to be to serve test ads. I followed all the steps and populated the bannerPlacementID, interstitialPlacementID, deviceHashArray variables. I set up the ad placements on facebook. This is the plugin it’s using in the build.settings:
plugins =
[“plugin.fbAudienceNetwork”] =
publisherId = “com.coronalabs”
The only code I changed in the demo code was those 3 variables listed above. I’m running the ads in test mode per that demo code. Is this working for anyone else? I spent all day getting different “Test mode device hash” s from the adb logs, creating new banner ads in the Facebook monetization console etc.
this is what I see in the adb log output when I run the demo. Does this demo definitely still work for anyone? Please let me know how else I can troubleshoot. I tried everything I could think of
> Class.forName: network.LuaLoader
< Class.forName: network.LuaLoader
Loading via reflection: network.LuaLoader
Platform: SM-G955U / ARM Neon / 8.0.0 / Adreno ™ 540 / OpenGL E
> Class.forName: shared.google.play.services.base.LuaLoader
< Class.forName: shared.google.play.services.base.LuaLoader
Loading via reflection: shared.google.play.services.base.LuaLoader
> Class.forName: _CoronaSetup.LuaLoader
> Class.forName: CoronaProvider.licensing.google.LuaLoader
< Class.forName: CoronaProvider.licensing.google.LuaLoader
Loading via reflection: CoronaProvider.licensing.google.LuaLoader
> Class.forName: plugin.fbAudienceNetwork.LuaLoader
< Class.forName: plugin.fbAudienceNetwork.LuaLoader
Loading via reflection: plugin.fbAudienceNetwork.LuaLoader
plugin.fbAudienceNetwork: 2.0.7 (SDK: 5.1.0)
Facebook Audience Network event: initialization successful
Facebook Audience Network event: banner ad failed to load
Facebook Audience Network event: banner ad failed to load
Thanks so much,