I’m currently in the process of creating an aSync game that is built upon Parse and Facebook. The idea being that players play on their own, but a “Turn” happens and creates a competitive/collaborative gameplay mechanic.
Essentially what I’m trying to do is allow players to invite friends (via Facebook); the idea being to store the Friend’s (up to 4) id in a Player’s object on Parse.com.
When “The Turn” occurs I simply want to use these id’s to perform a query on their relevant Parse obejcts (a Player’s Friends) to identify the data that I need.
I am however struggling with the concept of sending an invite to a FB friend and in turn recognising that (accepted or not); if I can get past this stage I believe it’s a case of storing an id in the relevant field as mentioned above and I should be able to progress with the rest of the game logic.
It’s just this FB side of things I can’t quite get my head around. I’m using JonJonsson’s excellent FB Helper module along with Develephant’s superb mod_parse module - both of which are truly amazing pieces of work. I did notice that there’s an “installedFriends” API on the FB Helper module:
makeRequest(“me/friends”, callback, “GET”, {fields = “name,installed”})
But ultimately I believe this is just going to show me a list of people with the app installed - not exactly what I need.
I can work with the basic logic:
Send a Friend an Invite
If Accepted Store their ID in the player’s Friend(1…4) field on the Player’s Object in Parse.
Use that Friend ID to perform query on values needed during “The Turn”.
Once I’m there everything should be smooth sailing - but it’s just trying to get to this stage.
Would appreciate any opinions from the FB/Social/Parse gurus out there - even if it’s a case that my simplified understanding on the process just isn’t going to work.
Many thanks…