Hi everyone. It seems that Facebook is the thing right now that is frustrating you, the community the most right now. I’m trying to get a grasp on this bull and wrestle it to the ground for you, but I need your help. Can you please post the following information for me.
I can’t promise I can solve all of these because Facebook make somethings just hard. But there are a lot of threads with plenty of back and forth and want to try and make sure I get the information I think I need.
If you are having problems with facebook, please post in an individual post below:
Platform where you having the problem? iOS or Android (include version number)?
Version of Corona SDK you are using?
What Facebook operation are you trying to do?
What permissions does your activity need?
Post your build.settings file
I may come back and ask for your source code where you’re doing facebook stuff and maybe a screen shot of your Facebook developer settings (I’ll have you email that privately too me)