According to your code, you have 2 “plugins” blocks in your build.settings. So you’re not including the Facebook plugin at all, because you overwrite it with the “gameNetwork-google” one. Please correct this and test some more.
Did you get chance to look at my problem above? For your ready reference, I am attaching it here:
Hi Guys,
I am making a game for iOS. I have integrated Facebook login and score share functionality in this. I have a problem that if I login my game through facebook’s developer id and click fb button to share score, login works well and score share also works perfectly fine with showDialog() function.
But if I use any other Facebook account to login, login goes fine but score share crashes and gives me following error in crash log:
The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.facebook error 123.) corona
Please help. Urgently need some help. Thanks in advance.
Hi @appstore3, you need to provide more information than I’m having a problem.
What version of Corona SDK are you using?
What platform are you building on?
What device are you building and testing on?
What messages are in your device’s console log beyond the one you published?
Have you googled what com.facebook error 123 means? There will likely be plenty of hits on that on Stackoverflow from other platforms that might give you a hint as to whats going on.
Have you read @schizoid2k’s post above? Generally if it works for your developer account, but not someone else’s, then your app is considered a test app and will only work for your defined test accounts. Facebook has seriouslly restricted what apps can do on their service and apps that need extra features are required to be approved by Facebook before you can get those features.
I have a problem with facebook v2 login flow with extended permissions.
There are 4 states:
User has no permission
I can ask user to give permissions to app, throug facebook.login function().
User accept basic info, but “skip” extended permissions
I can ask user again to give permissions to app, throug facebook.login function().
User accepts basic/extended permissions
All works fine.
In API v2, facebook introduces possibility to “deny” permissions to app (Different from skip). <-- PROBLEM
In this case, in the Facebook API there is a param called “auth_type: rerequest” that need to be sent in login process, so app can aks user for those permissions again.
Currently, is there a way in corona to do that “rerequest”?
I have tried everything, denied extra permissions are never asked again.
hello am trying to do a friends score board in a corona game so i have some questions
how to decode friends score with rank and name once requested as facebook.request( appID … “/scores”) and does this request givethe signed in user his score too ??
In a nutshell: Uploading images works with the request() function, but Facebooks current policy does not allow to add a message / text to the photo. The only chance we have to give the user this feature is to enhance the ShowDialog() with positng images, because adding messagen “in Facebook” is allowed.
@Rob Miracle: Do you see a chance to get this implemented?
Can you try again, I know we just did a fix to the Facebook plugin around image handling yesterday or the day before. If not, I can ask engineering to see what can be done about it. If it’s not too difficult, they might be able to address this now that we are kind of coming out of this iOS 8 crunch mode we are in.
One of the problems is that Facebook changes their rules too fast and it takes considerable engineering and support efforts to stay atop their changes. We know a lot of people use Facebook, but we have to balance the engineering time to all the other things we do too. So no promises. See if the new plugin fixes this and if not, bump this and I’ll talk with the engineers.
I could not figure out any changes with the latest daily build. Currenty I am testing on Android.
Based on the current Facebook policies we should enhance the showDialog() function with the ability to upload a photo from the app including some nice text.
Why? Facebook does not allow to upload a photo with autogenerated text directly from the app, even if the user has the chance to edit the text in the app!
For everyone why just want to upload a photo to the users wall the followong code works fine (do not forget the permissions {“publish_actions”, “user_photos”} on login):
For allowing user to like game’s Facebook page, we redirect user to respective face book page through browser. Now, here comes the problem.
If I am logged in to facebook’s native app through LOGIN A and on browser through LOGIN B, after redirecting to browser and liking the page the like information will get displayed on the timeline of LOGIN B instead of LOGIN A. The opposite of which should be the case.
Is there any provision to open facebook’s URL with native logged in user’s id?
Hi @felipebotero. You posted this on a Friday. Here in the US, most people work Monday-Friday, but this week, Monday was a holiday. Today is the first day that Engineering would have a chance to have even seen my message. Please be patient.
At this moment, I think there is no way with corona to make that call…
I’m using GET /{user-id}/permissions endpoint too, to obtain which permissions has been granted.
But there is no way to do this auth_type: ‘rerequest’ call.
Yes, permission status can be obtained this way… but if some of them are explicity “denied”, there is no way to make a new login call with auth_type: ‘rerequest’ param… like facebook documentation states.
I’m not completely sure if this is something Facebook specific or is just about the configuration of the project but, is it possible NOT to show Facebook app login screen when login from an app?
In the project I’m working, once the user had logged to Facebook, the “autologin” feature is on, so it will automatically login to FB at the title screen when launched, but I want in that case NOT to switch to Facebook app (or browser) when it happens (it opens Facebook app, login and go back to app) . Is there any way to avoid this? Is something Facebook related or is about app configuration?
I’m simply just trying to post a score.
When I use the Social plugin for facebook it works for iOS. On Android I get a “share via list” with no facebook option. I’ve searched to put facebook on list to no avail. When I use the Facebook library it work for older androids but newer androids get error message that app is not installed correctly. Re-installing FB, accepting all options does not help. Your sample FB app behaves the same way for me. Is this common at this time for FB,
function showFacebook()
local gameScore = score.get() —getScore()
local FBAppID = “removed for example”
local buttonClickSound = audio.loadSound(“SoundButtonClick.wav”)
fbbutton.isVisible = false
local options = {
service = “facebook”,
message = “Just Scored " … gameScore … " on ---------- V1 Beta !!!”
image = {
{ filename = “HBpic.jpg”, baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory }
url = “”
native.showPopup( “social”, options )
Where can I find a working snippet just to post a score on FB that works on iOS and Android reliable?
By the way, you guys are great. I appreciate the work you put into this.