Facebook - Invite all friends using facebook.showDialog( "apprequests" )

Hello guys, I know I’ve already posted this answers, but I did a mistake while choosing the correct category (Game Networking instead of Social Media), sorry (and feel free to delete my previous post).

Anyway, I’m using the code below to log in into Facebook and show a popup that let’s my users invite their friends, but actually, is it possible to invite them one by one, instead of all in one go.

local function facebookListener( event ) print( "event.name:" .. event.name ) --"fbconnect" print( "isError: " .. tostring( event.isError ) ) print( "didComplete: " .. tostring( event.didComplete ) ) print( "event.type:" .. event.type ) --"session", "request", or "dialog" if ( "session" == event.type ) then if ( "login" == event.phase ) then local access\_token = event.token facebook.showDialog( "apprequests", { message="You should download this game!" } ) elseif ("loginFailed" == event.phase)then end elseif ( "request" == event.type ) then print("facebook request") if ( not event.isError ) then local response = json.decode( event.response ) end elseif ( "dialog" == event.type ) then print( "dialog", event.response ) end end facebook.login( fbAppID, facebookListener, { "user\_friends", "email", "publish\_actions", "user\_birthday" } )

So as you can see, I’m using facebook.showDialog(). If my request cannot be accomplished, is there another way to invite my friends selecting all of them by using a button?

By the way, I’ve got 3 other questions for you:

  1. The code above it is working both on Android and iOS -but- while when I send a request from an iOS device, the other person receive the notification, on Android this doesn’t happen (and so when I send a request from an Android device, the other person does not receive the notification).

  2. Is there a sort of “onComplete” on facebook.showDialog()? I want to reward my users when they invite their   friends

  3. Is there a way to prevent Facebook to login every time I relaunch my App? As far as I heard, there should be a token that lasts for about 60 days, but as I said, my app keeps login into Facebook every time I relaunch it.

Thank you.