Hi guys,
I am trying to put the facebook listener in a seperate file from the caller.
Example :
Caller, main.lua => Calls "facebook.login( appId, file2_listener, {“publish_stream”} )
Listener, file2.lua => It has a global function, ‘function file2_listener()’
So far, it only partly works, where only the ‘event.type=session’ gets processed. When i try calling facebook.request(“me”), it does not enter the listener anymore. It just stops after the ‘session’.
It works fine if the listener is in the same file as the caller. I tried this on corona’s sample code (Facebook), and place the facebook listener in another file. Same results, where it only partly works.
Anyone having this problem ? I see the advantage of having a central location to handle all facebook processing, instead of having a listener in every file (which uses facebook.login)