Facebook permissions

Hi all,

Is there a way to ask for user permissions once and far all with the facebook api?

For example  :

facebook.login (myAppId, facebookListener, {“publish_actions,email”})

will prompts for 2 sets of permissions to the user to accept.

Is there a way to have only one request for the permissions public profile, friend list and email?




From the Corona side, that should work.  Internally, it’s going to follow Facebook’s requirements to request multiple permissions.  This is how FB wants it done.


For example, in Candy Crush, when the user logs in with FB, there is only one request for multiple permissions (public profile, friend list and email).

How do they achieve this?

They could be doing something differently natively.  They could have some deal worked out with Facebook to let them use the older single pass method.  Perhaps they will be doing an update before the middle of the month, when this breaking change by Facebook goes into effect that will switch them to the two pass method.


From the Corona side, that should work.  Internally, it’s going to follow Facebook’s requirements to request multiple permissions.  This is how FB wants it done.


For example, in Candy Crush, when the user logs in with FB, there is only one request for multiple permissions (public profile, friend list and email).

How do they achieve this?

They could be doing something differently natively.  They could have some deal worked out with Facebook to let them use the older single pass method.  Perhaps they will be doing an update before the middle of the month, when this breaking change by Facebook goes into effect that will switch them to the two pass method.
