I can post to the facebook feed without a problem but when I try to upload a photo I am getting errors:
Facebook(4924) deny file-write-create
<Warning>: Error: HTTP status code: 400
Facebook[4924]: Could not stat /private/var/mobile/Applications/1BBA6065-D92F-495B-9817-9DB5A33C57C6/tmp/etilqs_Jzwp7l8lKQ2PVx9: No such file or directory
My code is pretty straight forward.
function fbListener (event) if event.phase == "login" then -- print( fbLogin:isLoggedIn() ) local attachment = { message="KawaiiDressUp Creation!", source= {baseDir=system.DocumentsDirectory, filename="kawaii.png", type="image"} } facebook.request("me/photos", "POST", attachment) native.showAlert("Facebook", "Submitted!") end end
function pressFb (event) if event.phase == "ended" then print ("fb pressed") facebook.login(fbAppID, fbListener, {"publish\_stream"} ) end end
I can post the same image fine to twitter. As I said before I can also post to the user’s feed without a problem. So the file is there and facebook is configured.