To make a post on Facebook do I need a plugin? What actions with Facebook or another social network can I do without a plugin. An attempt to use the plugin resulted in the application stopping. My build.settings is like this
local myFacebookAppID = "111111111111111" --Here is my FB ID in quotation marks
settings =
orientation =
default = "portrait",
supported = { "portrait", },
android =
usesPermissions =
facebookAppId = myFacebookAppID,
plugins =
["plugin.facebook.v4a"] =
publisherId = "com.coronalabs"
I did so by declaring local facebook = require ("plugin.facebook.v4a")
at the beginning of the game module (not main.lua). In the function scene: create called
facebook.init (facebookListener)
. In the scene: show function, he created the “Share on FB” button and in his event handler called facebook.login (facebookListener, {"email", "user_birthday"}).
Probably some of the steps is not true. I am trying to get a post to be published in a user account by clicking a button in the game. Something like, “Take a look at this cool game.”