Facebook Post Photo

In your Facebook sample application for this code:


     local attachment = {                 name = "Developing a Facebook Connect app using the Corona SDK!",                 link = "http://www.coronalabs.com/links/forum",                 caption = "Link caption",                 description = "Corona SDK for developing iOS and Android apps with the same code base.",                 picture = "http://www.coronalabs.com/links/demo/Corona90x90.png",                 actions = json.encode( { { name = "Learn More", link = "http://coronalabs.com" } } )             }                      facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", attachment )        -- posting the photo  

Is it possible to replace the picture param with a picture saved on your mobile instead of one from a web site?

If yes, how would I change the code?

Thank you

Not sure if this is still valid with the Facebook API changes, but take a look:


Yes I saw it but I want the picture to be posted on the user’s wall (me/feed), not in his photo album (me/photos)

Not sure if this is still valid with the Facebook API changes, but take a look:


Yes I saw it but I want the picture to be posted on the user’s wall (me/feed), not in his photo album (me/photos)

No, facebook only accepts link

No, facebook only accepts link