I have an app which needs the “publish_actions” permissions. I added it, but it seems my token won’t regenerate and all my requests get the answer that says the permission is not granted.
My previous login code was like that
local res = facebook.login( APP\_ID, closureCBListener(self), { "public\_profile", "user\_friends", "email"} )
I now added that
local res = facebook.login( APP\_ID, closureCBListener(self), { "publish\_actions", "public\_profile", "user\_friends", "email"} )
(just the publish action)
I tried calling facebook.logout, uninstalling and reinstalling my app and so on, but whatever I do Facebook doesn’t grant the permission.
If I call the graph API at /me/permissions, I receive this
Callback closure {"isError":false,"type":"request","name":"fbconnect","response":"{\"data\":[{\"status\":\"granted\",\"permission\":\"user\_friends\"},{\"status\":\"granted\",\"permission\":\"email\"},{\"status\":\"granted\",\"permission\":\"public\_profile\"}]}"}
So, the three initial permissions are granted, but there is nothing about my new permission. Why can’t I have the publis_actions?