facebook.request() with specific fields

I  am using Corona SDK and I implement facebook integration. I want only 3 specific fields, username, userid and picture. This works facebook.request(‘me’). According to facebook api to get specific fields I have to do me?fields=id,name,picture. This returns:

{ "id": "1139209399", "name": "Avraa Makis", "picture": { "data": { "url": "https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-prn1/211241\_1131205352\_495011489\_q.jpg", "is\_silhouette": false } } }

So I tried facebook.request(‘me?fields=id,name,picture’) but it didn’t work. Any idea how can I solve this?

The way you should write your request is like this:


facebook.request(“me”, “GET”, {fields=“id,name,picture”})


  • Andrew

The way you should write your request is like this:


facebook.request(“me”, “GET”, {fields=“id,name,picture”})


  • Andrew