I test the Facebook app sample and device and simulator and say “To develop for Facebook Connect, you need to get an API key and application secret. This is available from Facebook’s website.”
I add to my build.setting my app id key, I have to add any more?
Its my code:
-- Supported values for orientation: -- portrait, portraitUpsideDown, landscapeLeft, landscapeRight settings = { plugins = { ["facebook"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone=true, ["iphone-sim"]=true }, }, --key is the name passed to Lua's 'require()' ["CoronaProvider.native.popup.social"] = { --required publisherId = "com.coronalabs", }, }, iphone = { plist = { UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, FacebookAppID = "4637689207868297012", --replace XXXXXXXXXX with your Facebook App ID UIStatusBarHidden = false, UIPrerenderedIcon = true, -- set to false for "shine" overlay --UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true, -- uncomment to quit app on suspend --[[-- iOS app URL schemes: CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { "fb4637689207868297012", -- example scheme for facebook "coronasdkapp", -- example second scheme } } } --]] } }, --[[-- Android permissions androidPermissions = { "android.permission.INTERNET", },]]-- }
And code like example:
local centerX = display.contentCenterX local centerY = display.contentCenterY local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight -- Comment out the next line when through debugging your app. io.output():setvbuf('no') -- \*\*debug: disable output buffering for Xcode Console \*\*tjn local widget = require("widget") local facebook = require("facebook") local json = require("json") display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) -- Facebook Commands local fbCommand -- forward reference local LOGOUT = 1 local SHOW\_DIALOG = 2 local POST\_MSG = 3 local POST\_PHOTO = 4 local GET\_USER\_INFO = 5 local GET\_PLATFORM\_INFO = 6 -- Layout Locations local ButtonOrigY = 175 local ButtonYOffset = 45 local StatusMessageY = 420 -- position of status message local background = display.newImage( "facebook\_bkg.png", centerX, centerY, true ) -- flag overrides large image downscaling -- This function is useful for debugging problems with using FB Connect's web api, -- e.g. you passed bad parameters to the web api and get a response table back local function printTable( t, label, level ) if label then print( label ) end level = level or 1 if t then for k,v in pairs( t ) do local prefix = "" for i=1,level do prefix = prefix .. "\t" end print( prefix .. "[" .. tostring(k) .. "] = " .. tostring(v) ) if type( v ) == "table" then print( prefix .. "{" ) printTable( v, nil, level + 1 ) print( prefix .. "}" ) end end end end local function createStatusMessage( message, x, y ) -- Show text, using default bold font of device (Helvetica on iPhone) local textObject = display.newText( message, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 24 ) textObject:setFillColor( 1,1,1 ) -- A trick to get text to be centered local group = display.newGroup() group.x = x group.y = y group:insert( textObject, true ) -- Insert rounded rect behind textObject local r = 10 local roundedRect = display.newRoundedRect( 0, 0, textObject.contentWidth + 2\*r, textObject.contentHeight + 2\*r, r ) roundedRect:setFillColor( 55/255, 55/255, 55/255, 190/255 ) group:insert( 1, roundedRect, true ) group.textObject = textObject return group end local statusMessage = createStatusMessage( " Not connected ", centerX, StatusMessageY ) -- New Facebook Connection listener -- local function listener( event ) --- Debug Event parameters printout -------------------------------------------------- --- Prints Events received up to 20 characters. Prints "..." and total count if longer --- print( "Facebook Listener events:" ) local maxStr = 20 -- set maximum string length local endStr for k,v in pairs( event ) do local valueString = tostring(v) if string.len(valueString) \> maxStr then endStr = " ... #" .. tostring(string.len(valueString)) .. ")" else endStr = ")" end print( " " .. tostring( k ) .. "(" .. tostring( string.sub(valueString, 1, maxStr ) ) .. endStr ) end --- End of debug Event routine ------------------------------------------------------- print( "event.name", event.name ) -- "fbconnect" print( "event.type:", event.type ) -- type is either "session" or "request" or "dialog" print( "isError: " .. tostring( event.isError ) ) print( "didComplete: " .. tostring( event.didComplete) ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- After a successful login event, send the FB command -- Note: If the app is already logged in, we will still get a "login" phase -- if ( "session" == event.type ) then -- event.phase is one of: "login", "loginFailed", "loginCancelled", "logout" statusMessage.textObject.text = event.phase -- tjn Added print( "Session Status: " .. event.phase ) if event.phase ~= "login" then -- Exit if login error return end -- The following displays a Facebook dialog box for posting to your Facebook Wall if fbCommand == SHOW\_DIALOG then -- "feed" is the standard "post status message" dialog facebook.showDialog( "feed", { name = "Test name", description = "Example description.", link = "http://www.coronasdk.com/" }) -- for "apprequests", message is required; other options are supported --[[facebook.showDialog( "apprequests", { message = "Example message." }) --]] end -- Request the Platform information (FB information) if fbCommand == GET\_PLATFORM\_INFO then facebook.request( "platform" ) -- \*\*tjn Displays info about Facebook platform end -- Request the current logged in user's info if fbCommand == GET\_USER\_INFO then facebook.request( "me" ) -- facebook.request( "me/friends" ) -- Alternate request end -- This code posts a photo image to your Facebook Wall -- if fbCommand == POST\_PHOTO then local attachment = { name = "Developing a Facebook Connect app using the Corona SDK!", link = "http://www.coronalabs.com/links/forum", caption = "Link caption", description = "Corona SDK for developing iOS and Android apps with the same code base.", picture = "http://www.coronalabs.com/links/demo/Corona90x90.png", actions = json.encode( { { name = "Learn More", link = "http://coronalabs.com" } } ) } facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", attachment ) -- posting the photo end -- This code posts a message to your Facebook Wall if fbCommand == POST\_MSG then local time = os.date("\*t") local postMsg = { message = "Posting from Corona SDK! " .. os.date("%A, %B %e") .. ", " .. time.hour .. ":" .. time.min .. "." .. time.sec } facebook.request( "me/feed", "POST", postMsg ) -- posting the message end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif ( "request" == event.type ) then -- event.response is a JSON object from the FB server local response = event.response if ( not event.isError ) then response = json.decode( event.response ) if fbCommand == GET\_USER\_INFO then statusMessage.textObject.text = response.name printTable( response, "User Info", 3 ) print( "name", response.name ) elseif fbCommand == POST\_PHOTO then printTable( response, "photo", 3 ) statusMessage.textObject.text = "Photo Posted" elseif fbCommand == POST\_MSG then printTable( response, "message", 3 ) statusMessage.textObject.text = "Message Posted" else -- Unknown command response print( "Unknown command response" ) statusMessage.textObject.text = "Unknown ?" end else -- Post Failed statusMessage.textObject.text = "Post failed" printTable( event.response, "Post Failed Response", 3 ) end elseif ( "dialog" == event.type ) then -- showDialog response -- print( "dialog response:", event.response ) statusMessage.textObject.text = event.response end end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NOTE: To create a mobile app that interacts with Facebook Connect, first log into Facebook -- and create a new Facebook application. That will give you the "API key" and "application secret" -- that should be used in the following lines: local appId = nil -- Add your App ID here (also go into build.settings and replace XXXXXXXXX with your appId under CFBundleURLSchemes) local apiKey = nil -- Not needed at this time --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- NOTE: You must provide a valid application id provided from Facebook if ( appId ) then facebook.login( appId, listener ) -- \*\*\* -- \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Buttons Functions \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* -- \*\*\* local function postPhoto\_onRelease( event ) -- call the login method of the FB session object, passing in a handler -- to be called upon successful login. fbCommand = POST\_PHOTO facebook.login( appId, listener, {"publish\_actions"} ) end local function getInfo\_onRelease( event ) -- call the login method of the FB session object, passing in a handler -- to be called upon successful login. fbCommand = GET\_USER\_INFO facebook.login( appId, listener, {"publish\_actions"} ) end local function postMsg\_onRelease( event ) -- call the login method of the FB session object, passing in a handler -- to be called upon successful login. fbCommand = POST\_MSG facebook.login( appId, listener, {"publish\_actions"} ) end local function showDialog\_onRelease( event ) -- call the login method of the FB session object, passing in a handler -- to be called upon successful login. fbCommand = SHOW\_DIALOG facebook.login( appId, listener, {"publish\_actions"} ) end local function logOut\_onRelease( event ) -- call the login method of the FB session object, passing in a handler -- to be called upon successful login. fbCommand = LOGOUT facebook.logout() end -- \*\*\* -- \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Create Buttons \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* -- \*\*\* -- "Post Photo with Facebook" button local fbButton = widget.newButton { defaultFile = "fbButton184.png", overFile = "fbButtonOver184.png", label = " Post Photo", labelColor = { default = { 255, 255, 255 }, }, onRelease = postPhoto\_onRelease, } fbButton.x = 160 fbButton.y = ButtonOrigY -- "Post Message with Facebook" button local fbButton2 = widget.newButton { defaultFile = "fbButton184.png", overFile = "fbButtonOver184.png", label = "Post Msg", labelColor = { default = { 255, 255, 255 }, }, onRelease = postMsg\_onRelease, } fbButton2.x = 160 fbButton2.y = ButtonOrigY + ButtonYOffset \* 1 -- "Show Dialog Info with Facebook" button local fbButton3 = widget.newButton { defaultFile = "fbButton184.png", overFile = "fbButtonOver184.png", label = " Show Dialog", labelColor = { default = { 255, 255, 255 }, }, onRelease = showDialog\_onRelease, } fbButton3.x = 160 fbButton3.y = ButtonOrigY + ButtonYOffset \* 2 -- "Get User Info with Facebook" button local fbButton4 = widget.newButton { defaultFile = "fbButton184.png", overFile = "fbButtonOver184.png", label = "Get User", labelColor = { default = { 255, 255, 255 }, }, onRelease = getInfo\_onRelease, } fbButton4.x = 160 fbButton4.y = ButtonOrigY + ButtonYOffset \* 3 -- "Logout with Facebook" button local fbButton5 = widget.newButton { defaultFile = "fbButton184.png", overFile = "fbButtonOver184.png", label = "Logout", labelColor = { default = { 255, 255, 255 }, }, onRelease = logOut\_onRelease, } fbButton5.x = 160 fbButton5.y = ButtonOrigY + ButtonYOffset \* 4 else -- Handle the response from showAlert dialog boxbox -- local function onComplete( event ) if event.index == 1 then system.openURL( "http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/canvas/" ) end end native.showAlert( "Error", "To develop for Facebook Connect, you need to get an API key and application secret. This is available from Facebook's website.", { "Learn More", "Cancel" }, onComplete ) end
Thanks in advance, please help me!