Facebook showDialog


I’m using the " plugin.facebook.v4a" Facebook plugin (I’m testing with Android) and I need to share link.

I’m using:

facebook.showDialog( "link", { title="title", description="Description", link="http://..." } )

Well, when into device I’ve Facebook App installed, after call showDialog, appear a right pop-up with my description, title and link:

But when I publish, on my Facebook user timeline the post is different from pop-up: missing my description, that is replaced from link page text:

If into my device there is not Facebook app installed, after call showDialog, I see the pop without my description, exactly will appear on my facebook timeline:

Is a Facebook problem?

My Facebbok App is target with v2.4 API Version.

I’m using this corona versione and build:

Version: 3.0.0 Build: 2017.3135