Facebook Social plugin : what are the options ?


I use native.showPopup( “social”, options ) to build my social presence for my app. It works well but I am not sure I am not missing something : what are the options that i can use ?

service = “facebook”    ==> call Facebook

message = string          ==> a text message

image = {}                     ==> some images

is there any other options such as title, feed, send To Friends ?

How to I manage a title ? with a caption parameter ?

Also the API part do not mention facebook as a potential service (only twitter, sms, mail).



  1. The options provided are the only options available. It’s designed for posting a message with optional picture to a service.

  2. Are you speaking about the Social plugin on Android or iOS?

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I am speaking about the social plugin.

I understand it is simplier but easier than doing code through facebook.* api. But I thought it could be possible to publish with more options. Maybe in a few months ? :wink:

This plugin does not seem to work on Kindle and Nook, will it be possible to use it soon ? or do I have to create code myself ?




  1. This does not support facebook on android (It’s a facebook bug which they don’t want to fix.

  2. It should work on kindle and nook. Can you elaborate more on “does not seem to work” please?


I am just referring to your document that says :

  • Android: Yes (Beta)
  • iOS: Yes
  • Mac: No
  • Win: No
  • Kindle: No
  • NOOK: No

If it works on kindle and nook : great ! but update your documentation :wink:

Aha, good point. I will get this updated!

  1. The options provided are the only options available. It’s designed for posting a message with optional picture to a service.

  2. Are you speaking about the Social plugin on Android or iOS?

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I am speaking about the social plugin.

I understand it is simplier but easier than doing code through facebook.* api. But I thought it could be possible to publish with more options. Maybe in a few months ? :wink:

This plugin does not seem to work on Kindle and Nook, will it be possible to use it soon ? or do I have to create code myself ?




  1. This does not support facebook on android (It’s a facebook bug which they don’t want to fix.

  2. It should work on kindle and nook. Can you elaborate more on “does not seem to work” please?


I am just referring to your document that says :

  • Android: Yes (Beta)
  • iOS: Yes
  • Mac: No
  • Win: No
  • Kindle: No
  • NOOK: No

If it works on kindle and nook : great ! but update your documentation :wink:

Aha, good point. I will get this updated!