Facebook V2 - social plugin - also broken?

local function shareFacebook1() local options = { service = "facebook", message = app .. "\n" .. descr, image = { { filename = "Icon-76@2x.png", baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory }, }, url = link } native.showPopup( "social", options ) end local function shareFacebook() local isFacebookAvailable = native.canShowPopup( "social", "facebook" ) if(isFacebookAvailable) then shareFacebook1() end end

When I call shareFacebook(), I get the screen in attachment and not the facebook dialog.

I have the facebook app installed.

This is on Android, have daily build 2303.

Corona stuff, time to call for a meeting, agenda “Broken Facebook implementation”.

Check this blogpost about the Android social plugin. Specifically:

Facebook is not Available in this Plugin

There is a known bug between Facebook and Android that prevents the Android sharing intent from posting to Facebook. As such, Facebook recommends that developers use the regular Facebook methods to post to Facebook.

Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous in this Facebook implementation game…

This is not a Corona SDK issue.  This is a Facebook v. Google issue.


As I also do a lot of native Android work I know that the FB share option is frustrating.  However, it is not completely broken.  On Android you can share a URL from the native pop up, just not set the message string.  This is actually still pretty useful even if not ideal.  In other words I can share the URL for my game either in the Play Store or my website, and the user has to type in the message that goes on their wall.  If they leave the message blank it still shares my URL and embeds the image (if the url points to one).  So I am curious why Corona chose just to leave the FB option out all together of the social plugin?  I know it would be awesome if FB were going to resolve this but they are not so I’d prefer to have the partial option of at least sharing a URL even if I can’t control the post on the wall.  Any chance Corona might reconsider their choice to filter out FB from the share intent when they launch the native pop up? 

+1 to what w.j.francis said.  Actually, I just tried using the CL  social plugin for facebook today and get the functionality w.j. is talking about (being able to post  a url and image to facebook, but not prefill the message string), but it doesn’t work at all on Android.  Since w.j. can do it natively it seems to indicate that Corona Labs deliberately disabled this functionality.  It would be great if it could be enabled.  As w.j. said, it’s not ideal, but something is better than nothing in this case.

Check this blogpost about the Android social plugin. Specifically:

Facebook is not Available in this Plugin

There is a known bug between Facebook and Android that prevents the Android sharing intent from posting to Facebook. As such, Facebook recommends that developers use the regular Facebook methods to post to Facebook.

Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what-have-yous in this Facebook implementation game…

This is not a Corona SDK issue.  This is a Facebook v. Google issue.


As I also do a lot of native Android work I know that the FB share option is frustrating.  However, it is not completely broken.  On Android you can share a URL from the native pop up, just not set the message string.  This is actually still pretty useful even if not ideal.  In other words I can share the URL for my game either in the Play Store or my website, and the user has to type in the message that goes on their wall.  If they leave the message blank it still shares my URL and embeds the image (if the url points to one).  So I am curious why Corona chose just to leave the FB option out all together of the social plugin?  I know it would be awesome if FB were going to resolve this but they are not so I’d prefer to have the partial option of at least sharing a URL even if I can’t control the post on the wall.  Any chance Corona might reconsider their choice to filter out FB from the share intent when they launch the native pop up? 

+1 to what w.j.francis said.  Actually, I just tried using the CL  social plugin for facebook today and get the functionality w.j. is talking about (being able to post  a url and image to facebook, but not prefill the message string), but it doesn’t work at all on Android.  Since w.j. can do it natively it seems to indicate that Corona Labs deliberately disabled this functionality.  It would be great if it could be enabled.  As w.j. said, it’s not ideal, but something is better than nothing in this case.