Facebook v4 plug-in not available on Corona simulator - problem


I have been working on a small test app. I do not have bunch of code just trying to connect facebook for login purpose for now. 

I added plug-in dependency and used login function. The console log says me this plug-in is not available on corona simulator. You can find the log below. 

15:28:46.240  WARNING: The ‘plugin.facebook.v4’ library is not available in the Corona Simulator.

I tried old version of plug-in which gives me another error such as the facebook.lua / dll is not found on the system.

What can be the problem?


Facebook like many plugins requires you to test on device. They are not going to function in the simulator. And the reason for this is quite simple. Facebook makes the underlying SDK that we use for devices only. They do not have a Windows or OS X SDK that we can use.

This is an expected message you need to build for a device and install it there and test on device. The good news is if you’re running Corona SDK 2830 or later, there are options on the build screen that lets you install to a device plugged in to your USB port.


Thanks for the help.

Facebook like many plugins requires you to test on device. They are not going to function in the simulator. And the reason for this is quite simple. Facebook makes the underlying SDK that we use for devices only. They do not have a Windows or OS X SDK that we can use.

This is an expected message you need to build for a device and install it there and test on device. The good news is if you’re running Corona SDK 2830 or later, there are options on the build screen that lets you install to a device plugged in to your USB port.


Thanks for the help.