FacebookSDKResources.bundle ?

I have just built an Ad-Hoc iPad app for a school - it’s a couple of hours job that isn’t anything major, however being designed for a school I wanted to ensure everything was in correct order.

I’ve ensured that launchPad is off in the config.lua - however I noticed that when I examined the contents of the compiled app I noticed a file called “FacebookSDKResources.bundle”.

This has set some alarm bells ringing as I don’t want anything FB related to the app and certainly am not using any FB related API’s.

I’m pretty sure it’s just there and not doing anything harmful, but does anybody know:

a. whether this is 100% true (don’t want Zuckerberg and his cronies spying on the kids) 

b. if it’s safe to delete this file out of the compiled app?

Many thanks…

@SegaBoy: Did you ever try deleting this file? What happened?

@SegaBoy: Did you ever try deleting this file? What happened?