Failed Google Sign-In Scott H Tech.

Hi there,
I want to have the google sign_in function for my app and I found the message of plugin : Since Google currently disallows signing in though web views, this plugin allows you to sign in using the Google SDK.
Is there any example for sign in using the Google SDK?
Please help, thanks!

I have a sample here

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Hi Scott, thanks for your reply.
Is this sample still work?
I’ve done the setup guide by the document, but when I run with the simulator(Corona-3706) , there’s the message of the console : WARNING: The ‘plugin.googleSignIn’ library is not available on this platform.
Could you help me with this problem?

So Google Sign In is not supported on Corona Sim, only on device (ie ios or android)

Also built failed:

Aug 28 22:02:43.547 ERROR: Build Failed: Error code: 1
Aug 28 22:02:43.548 
Aug 28 22:02:43.919 2024-08-28 22:02:43.918 Corona Simulator[48876:1532187] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context!
                    2024-08-28 22:02:43.918 Corona Simulator[48876:1532187] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing.
                    2024-08-28 22:02:43.919 Corona Simulator[48876:1532187] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context!
Aug 28 22:02:43.920 2024-08-28 22:02:43.919 Corona Simulator[48876:1532187] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing.
Aug 28 22:02:45.297 2024-08-28 22:02:45.296 Corona Simulator[48876:1532187] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context!
                    2024-08-28 22:02:45.296 Corona Simulator[48876:1532187] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing.
Aug 28 22:02:46.523 2024-08-28 22:02:46.521 CoronaConsole[48877:1532235] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 11 on nil context!
                    2024-08-28 22:02:46.521 CoronaConsole[48877:1532235] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 11, bailing.
Aug 28 22:02:46.524 2024-08-28 22:02:46.521 CoronaConsole[48877:1532235] _TIPropertyValueIsValid called with 12 on nil context!
                    2024-08-28 22:02:46.521 CoronaConsole[48877:1532235] imkxpc_setApplicationProperty:value:reply: called with incorrect property value 12, bailing.

I just built (for iOS and Android) and did not encounter this, are you building iOS or Android? Are you including other plugins? Windows or Mac

Hi Scott, thanks for your reply. It was built sucessfully cause I fix the package name ( Android/MAC/Corona-3706).
But when I run the app in device, it show erro message after I select the google account to login:

Could you help to find the problem? thanks!

1 Like

Hi Scott, I found the bug cause by that I missed the setting: On android the client id is in the google servies json under client>oauth_client>client_type = 3.
The plugin works fine now, thanks!

Is it possible make Google Sign be supported by Corona Sim again?

Hi vincent and scott,

I have also setup a google-service.json via Firebase, but I have no client id in the file.
I have taken the client ids for an android and ios client from Google cloud console.(

This is what my json looks like. I have replaced the real values, but there are lot of empty parameters:

“project_info”: {
“project_number”: “number”,
“project_id”: “project-id”,
“storage_bucket”: “”
“client”: [
“client_info”: {
“mobilesdk_app_id”: “mobilesdk_app_id”,
“android_client_info”: {
“package_name”: “”
“oauth_client”: [],
“api_key”: [
“current_key”: “current_key”
“services”: {
“appinvite_service”: {
“other_platform_oauth_client”: []
“configuration_version”: “1”

Your help would be really appreciated, thank you.