Failed to build with 2019.3498 - OneSignal plugin ?

Hi team,

Here is the build log :

Looks like there is trouble with OneSignal plugin.

Hope this helps !


It seems like OneSignal indeed has 32bit only components in it. We’ll try to contact them.


We removed native code from OneSignal plugin. It should be all good now.

Hi team,

Build is successful now, ty !

This thread can be closed.



I am facing the same problem. Can you please explain how you removed the OneSignal native code?

One Signal plugin does not have native (NDK) code anymore.

@dhaval.kesaria, while I can’t speak to the specifics for this particular plugin, it’s possible to create a Java based plugin (that produces a .jar or Java Archive file). This is where most Android native code lives. But since the .jar files run in the Java Virtual Machine, they are neither 32-bit or 64-bit, they are whatever version of Java is there providing the VM.

Then there are C/C++ compiled NDK code that produces a “shared object” or .so file. These functions in this library can be called from Java. These libraries can be either 32-bit or 64-bit and you may need both versions.

There are also dependencies that can be included in our plugin that may get included when we download the plugin that really isn’t needed.

So it’s possible that there were unused .so files being included. It’s possible that those libraries could be compiled from source (say OneSignal was using a public XYZ library) that we have the ability to replace those bits.

It could be any combination of any of the above. Remove unused libraries. Get it down to just a .jar file, replace .so files from public sources. It’s also possible that we worked with OneSignal to get a 64-bit compatible version. “We” could mean us working with OneSignal.

I don’t think it’s important how we got there, but that we got there.


It seems like OneSignal indeed has 32bit only components in it. We’ll try to contact them.


We removed native code from OneSignal plugin. It should be all good now.

Hi team,

Build is successful now, ty !

This thread can be closed.



I am facing the same problem. Can you please explain how you removed the OneSignal native code?

One Signal plugin does not have native (NDK) code anymore.

@dhaval.kesaria, while I can’t speak to the specifics for this particular plugin, it’s possible to create a Java based plugin (that produces a .jar or Java Archive file). This is where most Android native code lives. But since the .jar files run in the Java Virtual Machine, they are neither 32-bit or 64-bit, they are whatever version of Java is there providing the VM.

Then there are C/C++ compiled NDK code that produces a “shared object” or .so file. These functions in this library can be called from Java. These libraries can be either 32-bit or 64-bit and you may need both versions.

There are also dependencies that can be included in our plugin that may get included when we download the plugin that really isn’t needed.

So it’s possible that there were unused .so files being included. It’s possible that those libraries could be compiled from source (say OneSignal was using a public XYZ library) that we have the ability to replace those bits.

It could be any combination of any of the above. Remove unused libraries. Get it down to just a .jar file, replace .so files from public sources. It’s also possible that we worked with OneSignal to get a 64-bit compatible version. “We” could mean us working with OneSignal.

I don’t think it’s important how we got there, but that we got there.
