false positives for assets not found.

So I have code that loads in a json of filenames and their base directory.

say for example:

{ filename ="lobby/themes/default/images/bg.png" x = 30, y = 30, } 

then I have a lua function to parse it into a newImage or newImageRect (depending if they put a width/height)

local function createImage(...) local params = ... local options = { fileName = params.fileName, baseDir = system.ResourceDirectory, x = params.x or 0, y = params.y or 0, } local tmpImage if(params.width and params.height) then tmpImage = display.newImageRect(options.fileName, options.baseDir, params.width, params.height) tmpImage:translate(params.x, params.y) else tmpImage = display.newImage(options.fileName, options.baseDir, params.x, params.y, true) end tmpImage.anchorX = params.anchorX or .5 tmpImage.anchorY = params.anchorY or .5 return tmpImage end

All is working fine, and I can see the images on the device, but on the console, it keeps outputting an error for every image (see below).  

When I don’t build as a live build, the errors are non-existent.

XT1096: WARNING: Asset file “lobby/themes/default/images/bg.png” does not exist.

Mac OS Sierra

Build 2016.3005

Built for Android

Thanks! Well fix it on next round of fixes for live builds. Ignore it for now, please.

Sorry for the long delay, but this should be fixed in the latest daily build (2016.3016).

Thank you for reporting. Let me know how it goes!

Thanks! Well fix it on next round of fixes for live builds. Ignore it for now, please.

Sorry for the long delay, but this should be fixed in the latest daily build (2016.3016).

Thank you for reporting. Let me know how it goes!