Fast-paced word game Pyramid Jumble out now!

There! I found it. So, no need! Thanks for pointing it out. Man you get blind after looking at it for so long… nice to have more people playing and finding the last things!

It’ll be included in the next update which now should fix everything everyone has found so far since the release. Can’t promise when it’ll arrive though. Should be within a week or two (got a full-time job alongside this).

Sweet :slight_smile: My Fiancee and I had a blast playing it together the other night. 

re full time job, don’t we all :smiley: I hope the game does well for you, it’s the type of word game i love and it’s very well put together and polished. 

btw, if your interested in trying out my first and only release (Puzzle Game), look here:

It was released a couple of weeks ago, hasn’t taken off yet, but people seem to like it. Which is nice to hear.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday :>

So great to hear that you played it together like that, just what we wanted to achieve!

Oh I thought you worked at Gremlin full time. I guess not many of us expect to make a living solely on this yet.

I’d love to play your game as well. Ironically that would set me back more than I’ve made on my game so far :stuck_out_tongue: Good to hear people like it. It looks great on the screenshots.

It’s actually the last hours of my vacation now, I spent at least half of it finishing Pyramid Jumble but now its back to work tomorrow. So I’ll try to make the most of the final hours of this Sunday yes! And I hope you will enjoy the rest of yours as well! :slight_smile:

I do work at Gremlin full time yeah (it’s my company) but we also do contract work, so i consider those full time jobs too, for the duration of the work… :slight_smile:

I think it will be a while before we are making “living” money off apps however, as our portfolio is small. Finding the time to make our own apps is the most challenging aspect.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Short update:

Pyramid Jumble has gotten several fix updates and is now version 1.0 for Android! Should be a breeze to play now :slight_smile:

iOS version has come far and is almost ready for final testing before being submitted to App Store. Wish me luck :slight_smile: