fbAudienceNetwork.paid Crashing iOS 9 Devices

I put out an update of one of my apps less than two weeks ago on June 25, and it works fine on iOS 9 devices. Starting a few days ago, new iOS builds crash on launch when run on iOS 9 devices. Trial and error turned up that the problem is plugin.fbAudienceNetwork.paid.

When I check the crash log on device, I see this error:
library not loaded @rpath/libswiftcore.dylib
Which makes me think it’s related to Facebook using Swift in their SDK, as @vlads mentions here.

Is there a solution to this problem? At present, it looks like I’m faced with the choice of not running FB ads on iOS devices, or cutting support for iOS 9.

This is very unfortunate. If you include Facebook v4a plugin and build the app it will fix the problem. I will fix FAN plugin in similar fashion later today

Super- thank you @vlads!
Will build 3601 automatically download the updated FAN plugin when it’s available? (Apologies- I’m still a little unclear on how plugins are managed on Solar2D.)

If a plugin is available in the directory and you included it as shown, Solar2D will handle it for you.

That’s nice and straight-forward- thank you for the info!