Feature Request - Auto-scroll to bottom in Terminal (OSX)

Uh…I really can’t be the first to ask for this, right? Maybe its just because I’m using a notebook, but it would be great to have the Terminal scroll to the end rather than force me to do it every time. :slight_smile:

(PS: Do you want these here or on zenproject, JA? This is admittedly easier but…)
[import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 318291[/import]

If you don’t like something and want to call me names, do it on Zendesk. :wink:

But for stuff like you just asked, here is cool. Because then other people can chime in with comments and maybe whatever idea is floated gets even better before I implement it.

Yes, auto-scroll to the bottom in Terminal is a great feature – and it’s in there. At least in my copy. Looking in my update history it was probably added around v1.1, so if it’s not working for you I’m not sure what’s going on.

You’re talking about the Mac version, right?

Jay [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 70134[/import]

I would suggest using Coda as editor and terminal. It provides a tab with a terminal that can be used to start the Corona SDK. It even works with split window so you can view and edit your code while you watch the terminal output. Oh, yea the terminal can be locked to autoscroll. [import]uid: 106083 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 70143[/import]

J.A. Whye : Yeah, I’m running the latest version (Saturday) on an MBA using OSX Lion. Just tried again - definitely does not scroll to the bottom in the CPM terminal panel. Is there a setting change I need to make?

Johantd04 : Can you give a link to this program? If you’re talking about Panic’s Coda, that seems pretty much CSS/HTML based. It’s busier, more expensive, and sounds like it would take quite a bit of work to get it LUA and Corona-ready. (Plus I remember reading in another thread where Peach said terminal launching wasn’t supported.)

Sounds like a lot of trouble? [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 70180[/import]

It is Panics Coda and it is not free. I use Coda myself for my Corona-development, all you need to do is to install the support for Lua-syntaxes. And when you create your project in Corona you specify the “Local Terminal” and then fire up with /Application/Corona SDK/Corona Terminal!

Here is an screen from my view in Coda: http://s.baboons.se/CA1T [import]uid: 106083 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 70182[/import]

J.A. Whye - I narrowed it down. It does scroll to bottom, but only if you do not activate the preferences setting to clear the Terminal Pane upon running the Simulator. :slight_smile: So that’s definitely a workaround, but maybe add it to the fix list. [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 70301[/import]

Thanks for discovering that! Consider it added to the “to-do” list.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 70456[/import]

Hate to dredge up an old thread, but could I possibly ask for an option to manually clear the terminal, as well?

Preface: Yeah, I admit it. CPM rocks and I’m doing all of my development through it now. Stability has not been a problem.

Actual situation: The same problem I had before with the terminal not scrolling seems to trigger without the option setting, but only if I’ve been running CPM for awhile (days). Restarting CPM gets things back to normal. [import]uid: 41884 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 74029[/import]

Manually clearing the terminal pane makes sense. I’ll see if I can’t get that into the next version. In the upcoming version the terminal changes anyway, so this was a good time to ask. :slight_smile:

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18291 reply_id: 74037[/import]