Feature Request - Folders opening inside CPM when External Editor on

Up until now I’ve been working all inside CPM i.e. ‘External Editor’ switched off. For various reasons I’ve just started working with External Editor on, which works well.

Trouble is now when I go to expand a subfolder in CPM it pings me off to Finder.

I really liked expanding folders within CPM but it looks like you can’t have this with External Editor?

Assuming I’m not missing something, any chance of adding that as an option at some point? [import]uid: 39538 topic_id: 17180 reply_id: 317180[/import]

Yeah, that’s on oversight on my part. Opening folders should still work even if you’re using an external editor. I’ll try to get that into the next update.

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 17180 reply_id: 64734[/import]

Thanks Jay.

Actually, having used TextWrangler all last night I think I’m going back to using CPM editor.

I’m basically lazy and want to press minimum keys (and very keyboard based - years of using vi!). The issue I had was switching back to the code tab from the terminal tab after running simulator - had to use mouse - Yikes!

What I *love* about CPM is the save-run sequence where I can just plonk my thumb on Apple and move my finger S-R.

Using external editor was different but worse! More key strokes to go from update code to run and I found TextWrangler functionality not as good as the CPM editor (certainly for CoronaSDK dev).

Then when I woke up this morning I had a flash of inspiration! (well I remembered something you’d said ages ago!). You can get CPM to open code in external CPM editor files. This is actually what I want and it’s much easier to switch around without moving my lazy thumb!

So feel free to reassign my feature request to build 99.9 as I think I’m happy - for now :wink:
[import]uid: 39538 topic_id: 17180 reply_id: 64800[/import]