Feature Request: Tab Size!

Hi I just bought CPM and am using for Windows right now, will try it on my Mac later, thanks for making it one purchase price.

I hope you work to improve it more as I see and graphics glitches here in Windows XP. For example importing large folder (200+ files) freezes everything. Launching the simulator twice also causes this freeze and sometimes its permanent. I tried Publish also and it copies the files to the right folder but then says “Access to … was denied” and stops.

Anyway I just wanted to make one small request, could you allow changing of the tab size? :slight_smile:

Thanks! [import]uid: 99244 topic_id: 18346 reply_id: 318346[/import]

Yes, I know about some of the glitches but I’d rather hear twice about one than never. :slight_smile:

CPM freezes when it imports a lot of files because I didn’t give the import routine its own thread – so the program sits in a loop adding all those files to the project and you can’t do anything else until it’s done. But when all the files have been imported it *should* snap back to normal use.

Launching the simulator is not as seamless on Windows. When you switch from the simulator back to CPM you need to quit the simulator (just clicking the X button in the corner is the fastest). If you don’t and you click Launch in CPM again, things will hang. However, if that happens usually if you go close the simulator at that point things will unfreeze and go back to normal.

Are you wanting the tabs to be longer, taller, or shorter? I doubt I can make them “user-sizable” but if there’s a good reason to change the default size I may be able to do that.

Thanks for the feedback.


PS - The two problems mentioned above are on the “to-do” list, so they should be fixed at some point.
[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18346 reply_id: 70324[/import]

Hi Jay, I’m just talking about the size of a keyboard tab. Like I think a tab equals 4 spaces right now. I want to be able to customize it to say 2.

I’m trying it on my Mac right now and its running smoother, I guess it was specially made for Mac since the GUI looks Mac-like? [import]uid: 99244 topic_id: 18346 reply_id: 70327[/import]

Oh, *that* tab size! :slight_smile:

Hmmm… it looks like that’s possible so I’ll try and get that in one of the upcoming versions.

Why wouldn’t it be possible? Because the actual editor is a 3rd-party control that I tweak to make it do what I want – so there are some things that would be nice to have but would require a *lot* of coding which could break another part of the editor. This one, though, has a built-in value I should be able to change (allow the user to change).

It’s now on the to-do list. Thanks!


PS - Yes, Mac version has fewer rough spots in it. I’m a Mac guy so I do that version first and then tweak the Windows version. And I do get some Windows-specific things wrong until WinFolk yell at me. :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18346 reply_id: 70330[/import]

(dupe) [import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 18346 reply_id: 70329[/import]