Feedback, my 2 cents quick test


First of all thanks for this new tool I personally think it’s something that maybe should have been nice to have earlier, but better late than ever :smiley:

First test review:

.- Cannot Zoom the Composer Gui window, neither can I change the window size.

.- I have to have the scenes in the root folder. Would be nice to have it work from subfolders as well, maybe have a directory navigation?. I work on my own MVC type of structure and I prefer to have the root folder as much cleaner as possible (because config.lua, build.settings, main.lua and the whole bunch of icons and splash screens is more than enough) and have all the views, controllers, assets, etc in separate folders for easier comprehension while coding.

.-The screen does not match the simulator screen size. I do not understand how this works, maybe it’s me and I need to set specific screen size, but in my project the center of the composer gui is not the center of my simulator. I use the config.lua shown below (so that the project scales properly everywhere) and if I place an object in the center of the GUI it appears almost out of the screen with the simulator working as an iPhone 5. 

.-I see three kind of icons (maybe?) above the asset inspector tabs that I have no idea what do they mean or are they what for.

My config.lua

[lua]–calculate the aspect ratio of the device:
local aspectRatio = display.pixelHeight / display.pixelWidth

application = {
content = {
width = aspectRatio > 1.5 and 320 or math.ceil( 480 / aspectRatio ),
height = aspectRatio < 1.5 and 480 or math.ceil( 320 * aspectRatio ),
scale = “letterBox”,
fps = 30,

imageSuffix = {
["@2x"] = 1.5,
["@4x"] = 3.0,

Yea, zoom is on our hit-list.

You can have scenes in subfolders. You just have to make sure that your composer.gotoScene call includes the parent folder. So if you moved the “home” scene from the root to a “scenes” folder, then your call would change:

composer.gotoScene( “home” ) => composer.gotoScene( “scenes.home” )

Yea, zoom is on our hit-list.

You can have scenes in subfolders. You just have to make sure that your composer.gotoScene call includes the parent folder. So if you moved the “home” scene from the root to a “scenes” folder, then your call would change:

composer.gotoScene( “home” ) => composer.gotoScene( “scenes.home” )

  1. I have the same problem with the screen size…is there any way to reference the display.screenWidth or display.screenHeight options within the Composer GUI?

For instance I was trying to use the Composer GUI to set up a scene with a background, but I could not get the background to cover the entire space! 

  1. Is there a way to reference images in a different folder than the scene besides manually changing the code generated by the GUI? Plus, if they are not in the same folder they don’t show up in the GUI as available assets.
  1. I have the same problem with the screen size…is there any way to reference the display.screenWidth or display.screenHeight options within the Composer GUI?

For instance I was trying to use the Composer GUI to set up a scene with a background, but I could not get the background to cover the entire space! 

  1. Is there a way to reference images in a different folder than the scene besides manually changing the code generated by the GUI? Plus, if they are not in the same folder they don’t show up in the GUI as available assets.