Feedback or Feature Requests for Tiled

Lets capture them here to be presented to Tiled developers in an ogranized and collective manner…

Feature Request - Tile Properties Copy / Paste… I love what you can do in the properties and how Lime takes advantage of these but it will get really tedious to put in similar properties to similar tiles with slight visual variations. I would love to see a Copy/Paste capability built into the tool at some point so that if you have a tile property you are happy with you can simply copy these and paste them into another tile in your tileset. [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4844 reply_id: 304844[/import]

Great idea for a thread and a great idea for a feature. Here are mine:

Feature Request - Rotated Objects… It’s great being able to rotate objects used for physics bodies but they don’t get displayed in Tiled rotated so it becomes a game of trial-and-error to set them up how you want so having a “rotation” value to go along with “width” and “height” would be great.

Feature Request - Single Instance Tile Properties… I would like to be able to right-click an individual Tile in the map itself and give it properties.

Feature Request - Point-To-Point Object Creation… To facilitate polygon physics objects it would be great if you could create objects by drawing them point by point.

Feature Request - Different Brush Sizes - Just lime in an image editor, changing brush sizes would be useful. Especially for erasing.

I’m sure I will come up with more as time goes by. [import]uid: 5833 topic_id: 4844 reply_id: 15553[/import]

Can’t edit my first note to add more to it so I’ll have to create additional posts. Apologies for that

Feature Request - Register file types so that when I double-click on a Tiled file it opens Tiled and brings that file up.

Feature Request - Printing - occasionally we may want to use a printout to review design or get a pdf printout for documentation etc. Not crucial. [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4844 reply_id: 15964[/import]

ksan, can’t you do that manually? I’ve done that in Windows and it works fine. [import]uid: 13089 topic_id: 4844 reply_id: 15965[/import]

registering file type to open up Tiled yes I can do it manually but I’m lazy! :slight_smile: Besides, even when registered for some reason Tiled will fire up but the file I double-clicked on will not auto load. Tiled will always auto-load last file worked on. [import]uid: 11904 topic_id: 4844 reply_id: 15966[/import]