Ferris Mueller's Day Off - A new adventure game from Glitch Games!

We are  SUPER  excited to announce our new adventure / point’n’click / touch’n’tap ( delete as appropriate ) game. 

We were so overwhelmed by the response to our dark, foreboding and creepy Forever Lost series that we decided to do a complete 180 and make a more upbeat, colourful and off-the-walls bizarre adventure game. So without much further ado may we please introduce to you…

Ferris Mueller’s Day Off

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More info will be released very soon but for now here are some screenshots for your viewing pleasure.


Inside the town store. Don’t worry though, there are no IAPs in here!



Stealing stuff is wrong and you’ll go to jail, don’t do it kids!


Down the local watering hole.


_ Fancy a drink? _


_ We can now do in-game conversations, think of the possibilities! _


_ Plenty of new puzzles! _

This seems like a neat marriage of first and third-person adventure games. I like the cut-out style of the characters, and the overall fun feel. Looks great!

Looking forward to it! My fiancee and I are big fans of your work :slight_smile:

@David - Yea we wanted to have a nice change of pace from Forever Lost and felt like having some characters to talk to would make the whole experience a little less lonely. 

@Danny - Awesome! We were hoping to have the game out this year however we think it’s going to slip until Jan now. 

Graham, cool stuff!

I really like the conversations, feels like playing monkey island or indiana jones :slight_smile:

That’s what we’re hoping for :slight_smile: We don’t have any where near as many conversations as those games though but it’s a start. When I was younger playing those games I always got frustrated with how there was a lot of the dialogues and actions resulted in similar responses. Now after writing a load of them I have found out why that was the case  :slight_smile:

Just a quick update to announce that the first test builds went out today  :smiley:

This seems like a neat marriage of first and third-person adventure games. I like the cut-out style of the characters, and the overall fun feel. Looks great!

Looking forward to it! My fiancee and I are big fans of your work :slight_smile:

@David - Yea we wanted to have a nice change of pace from Forever Lost and felt like having some characters to talk to would make the whole experience a little less lonely. 

@Danny - Awesome! We were hoping to have the game out this year however we think it’s going to slip until Jan now. 

Graham, cool stuff!

I really like the conversations, feels like playing monkey island or indiana jones :slight_smile:

That’s what we’re hoping for :slight_smile: We don’t have any where near as many conversations as those games though but it’s a start. When I was younger playing those games I always got frustrated with how there was a lot of the dialogues and actions resulted in similar responses. Now after writing a load of them I have found out why that was the case  :slight_smile:

The trailer has just gone up :slight_smile:


Fine leather jackets, nice!

Literally couldn’t resist  :smiley:

Looks great :slight_smile:

Just a quick update to announce that the first test builds went out today  :smiley:

The trailer has just gone up :slight_smile:


Fine leather jackets, nice!

We have now set the release date as the 17th of January, just a few days away, needless to say we’re pretty excited to see what you all think of it!