Firebase Analytics and Push Notifications

The firebase analytics for me was working properly from last 2 years and now with the latest corona sdk, i have taken the build and it just crashed. Here is the log Report:

This is the code i have used in the main:

local firebaseAnalytics = require “plugin.firebaseAnalytics”


firebaseAnalytics.logEvent(“Game started”, {content_type = “Main”, item_id= “Running Fast”}) – (This is the statement which cause crash)



This is my plugin call in Build

[“plugin.firebaseAnalytics”] = { publisherId = “tech.scotth”, },


this is inside Android table in build

[“google_app_id”]= “1:XXXXXX:android:XXXXXXX” I have written XXXXX for my Id to keep it safe


useGoogleServicesJson = true,


I am not sure what happens suddenly, i was able to get logs from last 1 year or so but this stopped suddenly and my build on device just crashes.


Please help us and solve this issue asap.

Hey guys, any luck? We are having the same problem.