The firebase analytics for me was working properly from last 2 years and now with the latest corona sdk, i have taken the build and it just crashed. Here is the log Report:
This is the code i have used in the main:
local firebaseAnalytics = require “plugin.firebaseAnalytics”
firebaseAnalytics.logEvent(“Game started”, {content_type = “Main”, item_id= “Running Fast”}) – (This is the statement which cause crash)
This is my plugin call in Build
[“plugin.firebaseAnalytics”] = { publisherId = “tech.scotth”, },
this is inside Android table in build
[“google_app_id”]= “1:XXXXXX:android:XXXXXXX” I have written XXXXX for my Id to keep it safe
useGoogleServicesJson = true,
I am not sure what happens suddenly, i was able to get logs from last 1 year or so but this stopped suddenly and my build on device just crashes.
Please help us and solve this issue asap.