[Fixed :)] Grey bar on bottom of screen with Google Pixel 3a

Hi ! :slight_smile:

Well, I have that grey bar on the bottom on my screen when I run my app on Google Pixel 3a, I tried with a Samsung Galaxy S8 (both devices have the same resolution ratio…) and there is no such thing, everything was okay, also, on emulator everything is okay, very disconcerting right ? x)

I tried adaptative, zoomEven, even zoomStretch, nothing to do, even the Solar 2D splash screen don’t cover it, I also tried to build an app that just displays my background at actualContentWidth/Height, but that fu****g grey bar still here… Looks like the problem comes from how Solar 2D apps deal with that device.

Any idea ? :slight_smile:

First thing to do is try to remove scaling do not select any scaling option from config.lua … then make sure background image used has the exact same dimensions set inside config.lua file … this should make the grey color go away
and now how to make the game look the same on all devices, that’s a different issue, but the above will at least make sure you are not doing anything wrong

Hello I had this problem that I was able to solve with the following line of code in the hope that it can help you :
native.setProperty(“androidSystemUiVisibility”, “immersiveSticky”);

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Youuuu aaare a champioooon ! Many thanksss ! Everythings okaay noow ! :smiley:

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