Hi All
wanting to use the flipbook example and reference it in a storyboard as below and have a button above(infront) of the flipbbok pages, i.e. use the pages to flip and have a button to go back.
But it allthough it works in the simulator the on phone the flipbook pages always come to the front even when added to the ‘local screenGroup = self.view’ i need the pages in the back and button in front.
i have tried :toFront() / :toBack() just hangs… seems to all work fine (pages in back that can be fliped and button in front of all so user can press to go back to other scene) works in sim but, only when installing onto phone flipbook fails
– Called when the scene’s view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local screenGroup = self.view
image = display.newImageRect(“backbutton.png”,50,50)
image.x = display.viewableContentWidth * 0.5
image.y = display.viewableContentHeight - 50
image.touch = onSceneTouch
text1 = display.newText( “Scene 1”, 0, 0, native.systemFontBold, 24 )
text1:setReferencePoint( display.CenterReferencePoint )
text1.x, text1.y = display.contentWidth * 0.5, 50
screenGroup:insert( text1 )
myFirstFlipbook:addPage( “backgroundTextPage1.png” )
myFirstFlipbook:addPage( “backgroundTextPage2.png” )
myFirstFlipbook:addPage( “backgroundTextPage3.png” )
print( “\n1: createScene event”)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Flipbook module-------------------------------------------
local Flipbook = {
mask = graphics.newMask( “mask1.png” ),
currentPage = 1,
pages = {},
displayGroup = display.newGroup()
Flipbook.__index = Flipbook
function Flipbook:newFlipbook(newBackPage, newBackShadow, newBasicShadow, newCurlShadow) --Create a new flipbook
local tempFlipbook = setmetatable({},self)
– Adds a shadow for where the curled page overlaps itself
tempFlipbook.backShadow = display.newImage( newBackShadow )
tempFlipbook.displayGroup:insert( tempFlipbook.backShadow )
tempFlipbook.backShadow:setMask( self.mask )
tempFlipbook.backShadow.y = display.contentHeight / 2
tempFlipbook.backShadow.isVisible = false
– Adds a back page
tempFlipbook.backPage = display.newImage( newBackPage )
tempFlipbook.displayGroup:insert( tempFlipbook.backPage )
tempFlipbook.backPage:setMask( self.mask )
tempFlipbook.backPage.isVisible = false
– Adds a shadow for where the curled page overlaps the new page
tempFlipbook.basicShadow = display.newImage( newBasicShadow )
tempFlipbook.displayGroup:insert( tempFlipbook.basicShadow )
tempFlipbook.basicShadow.y = display.contentHeight / 2
tempFlipbook.basicShadow.yScale = 200
tempFlipbook.basicShadow.xReference = -1 * tempFlipbook.basicShadow.contentWidth / 2
tempFlipbook.basicShadow.xScale = 0.01
tempFlipbook.basicShadow.isVisible = false
– Adds a shadow to give the edge of the curled page a 3d appearance
tempFlipbook.curlShadow = display.newImage( newCurlShadow )
tempFlipbook.displayGroup:insert( tempFlipbook.curlShadow )
tempFlipbook.curlShadow.y = display.contentHeight / 2
tempFlipbook.curlShadow.yScale = 200
tempFlipbook.curlShadow.xReference = tempFlipbook.curlShadow.contentWidth / 2
tempFlipbook.curlShadow.xScale = 0.01
tempFlipbook.curlShadow.isVisible = false
– Adds event listener
tempFlipbook.displayGroup:addEventListener( “touch”, tempFlipbook )
return tempFlipbook
function Flipbook:addPage( newPageImage ) – Add a new page to your flipbook
local tempPageImage = display.newImage( newPageImage )
tempPageImage:setMask( self.mask )
tempPageImage.maskX = display.contentWidth
tempPageImage.isHitTestMasked = false
table.insert( self.pages, tempPageImage ) – Adds new page to pages index
self.displayGroup:insert( 1, tempPageImage ) – Adds new page to display group
function Flipbook:updateCurlEffect( handleX, handleY, originY ) – Updates the curl effect assets
local tempX = ( handleX + ( display.contentWidth - handleX ) / 2 )
local maskRot = math.deg (math.atan2 (originY - handleY, display.contentWidth - tempX))
print( handleX, handleY, originY )
print( tempX, maskRot )
self.pages[self.currentPage].maskRotation = maskRot / 6
self.pages[self.currentPage].maskX = tempX - display.contentWidth / 2
self.backPage.xReference = display.contentWidth / 2 - tempX - 2
self.backPage.rotation = maskRot / 3
self.backPage.x = tempX
self.backPage.maskRotation = maskRot / -6
self.backPage.maskX = display.contentWidth / 2 - tempX
self.backShadow.xReference = display.contentWidth / 2 - tempX
self.backShadow.rotation = maskRot / 3
self.backShadow.x = tempX + 10 * (handleX / display.contentWidth)
self.backShadow.maskRotation = maskRot / -6
self.backShadow.maskX = display.contentWidth / 2 - tempX - 10 * (handleX / display.contentWidth)
self.curlShadow.rotation = maskRot / 6
self.curlShadow.x = tempX
self.curlShadow.xScale = 1.01 - handleX / display.contentWidth
self.basicShadow.rotation = maskRot / 6
self.basicShadow.x = tempX
self.basicShadow.xScale = 1.01 - handleX / display.contentWidth / 3
function Flipbook:setAssetsVisible( isVisibleBoolean ) – Curl effect assets visibility switch box
self.backPage.isVisible = isVisibleBoolean
self.backShadow.isVisible = isVisibleBoolean
self.basicShadow.isVisible = isVisibleBoolean
self.curlShadow.isVisible = isVisibleBoolean
function Flipbook:touch( event )
if event.phase == “began” then
if event.xStart > 5 * display.contentWidth / 6 and self.currentPage < # self.pages or event.xStart < display.contentWidth / 6 and self.currentPage > 1 then
if event.xStart < display.contentWidth / 6 then
self.currentPage = self.currentPage - 1
self.pages[self.currentPage].isVisible = true
display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( self.displayGroup )
self.isFocus = true
self:setAssetsVisible( true )
return false
if self.isFocus then
self:updateCurlEffect( event.x, event.y, event.yStart )
if event.phase == “ended” or event.phase == “cancelled” then
self:updateCurlEffect( display.contentWidth, 0, 0 )
if math.abs(event.x - event.xStart) > display.contentWidth / 6 then
if event.xStart > 5 * display.contentWidth / 6 and self.currentPage < # self.pages then
self.pages[self.currentPage].isVisible = false
self.currentPage = self.currentPage + 1
self:setAssetsVisible( false )
display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( nil )
self.isFocus = nil
if event.xStart < display.contentWidth / 6 and self.currentPage > 1 then
self.pages[self.currentPage].isVisible = false
self.currentPage = self.currentPage + 1
self:setAssetsVisible( false )
display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( nil )
self.isFocus = nil
return true
--function Flipbook:cleanUp()
return Flipbook