Football Ping Pong World Cup

Football Ping Pong World Cup Released! only on android atm and awaiting review from apple.

Any reviews always welcome :slight_smile:

Waiting for review on apple, will let you know once live on apple with some promo codes.

Some screens below.

Chris. [import]uid: 59172 topic_id: 26971 reply_id: 326971[/import]

I do not have an Android but I will let my friends know about this. It looks like an awesome concept! [import]uid: 50511 topic_id: 26971 reply_id: 110470[/import]

Cool thanks mate, it has just gone “in review” with apple. so bar any probs, it should be on the app store today aswell. will update the post with some promo codes once it is.

Chris. [import]uid: 59172 topic_id: 26971 reply_id: 110569[/import]

Cool! Look forward to it! [import]uid: 50511 topic_id: 26971 reply_id: 110589[/import]