For the record, I love my iPhone 4S.

As if there could be any question, I just wanted to state for the record that I love my iPhone 4S.

That is all.

… Well, no, I love my iPad 2, as well.

That is all.

… Err and I still love the two iPad 1’s, 2 iPhone 3GS’s and 2 iPhone 3G’s floating around the house. The kids enjoy them and due to the longevity of these things, every time I turn around, there’s an iDevice.

That is all.

Oh right, one more thing. I hate my Samsung Galaxy Tab. On the plus side, 3 months of Android app revenue from the Corona app I bothered to do an Android version of more than covers the cost of the nasty little beast.

That is all,
~~Kenn :slight_smile:

PS: I love my iPhone 4S. [import]uid: 13859 topic_id: 16599 reply_id: 316599[/import]

Does Siri approve of your obsession?


?:slight_smile: [import]uid: 3826 topic_id: 16599 reply_id: 62010[/import]

She probably does… her and I go way back to when she was just a lowly app in the store. :wink:

My wife, on the other hand, met her tonight… it was a little awkward at first, they got along just so-so. But in the end, she told Siri “good night” and siri responded quite kindly, so I think they’re off to a good start.

In all honesty, I’m not a huge fan of Siri, but I’m not a true mobile user, as I’m not “out and about” with no available hands all that much. For anyone who works hands-free most of the time, I’m sure Siri is an amazing thing. :wink:
[import]uid: 13859 topic_id: 16599 reply_id: 62012[/import]

Now that you have her, you are calling her names, a lowly app in the app store. Isn’t that how it is?



?:slight_smile: [import]uid: 3826 topic_id: 16599 reply_id: 62015[/import]

lol… well, she was. :wink: and she does basically the same things now… they just gave her control over the whole phone. so don’t piss her off. lofl. [import]uid: 13859 topic_id: 16599 reply_id: 62017[/import]

Kenni, you are funny … actually that is a very valid point in the broader sense,

Men once they get what they want, the women are… well not that worth as they were before

Women on the other hand, start very small and need nothing, but once they get their foot in the door, you are out of the house…

As you put it, Siri now controls the phone, so do not p*ss her off :wink:

That’s hilarious

I saw one youtube video that showed how the Singaporeans are coping with Siri in the Shinglish accent, it is not just the accent or the grammar, it is also the way to deal with errors…

The best comment I lived was send my pictures to “Avery Wan”, Siri: Sending your pictures to “Everyone”


?:slight_smile: [import]uid: 3826 topic_id: 16599 reply_id: 62018[/import]