Forever Lost: Episode 1 - New Adventure Game Coming Soon! - [ Universal ]

Introducing “Forever Lost” by Glitch Games

Forever Lost is a point’n’click adventure game for all iOS devices coming sometime in July, we hope you stick around this thread over the next couple of weeks as we update it with more info and screenshots.

We also have a thread on the Touch Arcade forums.

**Please stay tuned for more screenshots of Forever Lost, we will be updating this thread regularly over the next few weeks leading up to the release sometime in July.

We would love for any feedback, comments, ideas or criticisms as we want to make this the best game possible!

We will soon be looking for Beta testers, hopefully sometime next week.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out us and our game.

Please also check out our first point’n’click game, The Hauntening, it’s free and was made in 48 hours!

Come join us on Facebook and Twitter and our main website!**
[import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 327785[/import]

Beta test signups have begun, please do so here - [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 112630[/import]

Here are a few more screenshots…

[import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 112643[/import]

Looks good! [import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 112645[/import]

The graphics are very good!

Looks really promising.
[import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 112724[/import]

Really, really impressed by the artwork and after playing The Hauntening I expect I will be just as impressed by the game play :wink: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 112742[/import]

Thank you for the responses, very happy you like it! :slight_smile: If anyone else is still up for testing we’re still looking for a few more people.

Here are a couple more screenshots as well.

[import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 112851[/import]

Just a quick update to say we hope to be sending out builds to testers by the end of the week. We also have a few more screenshots to share:

[import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113065[/import]

I seriously get excited looking at your screen shots - this really looks like it has the potential to be a huge hit. Can’t wait to play it! [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113154[/import]

Really nice of you to say that! Here are a couple more screenshots to whet your appetite :slight_smile:

P.S. I realise a lot of these screenshots might look similar, we do have a lot more to show but are choosing to hold those back as to not ruin any surprises. [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113212[/import]

I haven’t once thought they look too similar, only that they are in keeping with the same theme.

… Just remember, when you’re rich and famous I will be collecting on that rum debt. [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113310[/import]

That is good then. We really want to show the rest of them but have decided to keep them a secret, don’t want to give way the story too much.

The Rum debt is a debt that I will happily repay :slight_smile: [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113335[/import]

And here are a few more screenshots…

[import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113341[/import]

The use of My Colorful Life is totally awesome - I love that!

PS - Rum is also awesome. That debt has a pretty high interest rate too, just FYI. [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113453[/import]

It allows you to relax and read the whole book ( naturally without any of the interactions ) :slight_smile:

We’ve managed to sneak in references to all of our apps. However the reference to Wordoodle and My First Colouring Book is sort of a reverse-reference as it’s actually the ability to draw on your photos in Forever Lost that was then turned into both those apps.

Rum Rum Rum. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113459[/import]

When I read “It allows you to relax” in my email I was sure this was going to be a spam post :wink:

I think that’s awesome, I love that kind of thing. I do Easter Eggs in some apps but never anything like that - I should start.


… With the current interest rate I’d be glad it’s just a rum debt any not a blood debt :wink: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113607[/import]

References and easter eggs are certainly the flavour of the day as far as Glitch is concerned :slight_smile: [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113668[/import]

We are now closed for new tester signups, we have quite a few for now so thank you to everyone that signed up :slight_smile: [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113731[/import]

Just in case anyone is interested, the first beta builds have just gone out to testers :slight_smile: [import]uid: 119420 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113826[/import]

Downloaded and looking forward to playing tonight :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27785 reply_id: 113890[/import]