Foto Fakeout - NOW AVAILABLE for Download at Amazon!

Well, we’ve finished our first “actual” Android app created with Corona SDK. It’s just a silly little photo prank program that anyone can install to fool their friends. Pretend to take their picture, select from four goofy photos, they hear an authentic shutter sound and instead of their actual photo, they get the photo the prankster chose: an orangutan, a donkey, a cow, or a horse’s… er… behind.

It’s called “Foto Fakeout” and we’ve uploaded it to the Amazon Android Market and we’ve just received acceptance!

Should I be so excited over a stupid little FREE prank app? Naw, but it IS our first mobile platform release, so forgive me for being a little bit jacked over it.

Steve at IMRSIV

Oh, by the way, here’s a direct link to the app. Some downloads and ratings to help a fellow Corona developer would be greatly appreciated!

Oh, by the way, here’s a direct link to the app. Some downloads and ratings to help a fellow Corona developer would be greatly appreciated!