Hi everyone,
I was hoping someone could help me with poor performance on the iPod Touch 4G when I touch the screen and move my finger around. Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce this in the CoronaSDK samples, so I’m assuming this is something to do with my project.
I have several thousand display objects in my stage, performance is a steady 30 fps on the device, and I’ve removed all touch/tap/mouse listeners in the project. Sadly, I cannot provide the project, as the game is under active development.
When I touch the screen and drag my finger around quickly, the frame rate drops to 18-20 fps, even though there are no touch listeners in the project. I’m wondering if this is a result of the high number of display objects, and if so, it makes me wonder if Corona is recursively checking the scene graph for touch listeners?
Has anyone experience this and found a solution?